I had a chance to talk with Ravel Law’s CEO, Daniel Lewis last week about Ravel’s new analytical tool for US Courts. I’ve been doing less and less product reviews lately because Bob Ambrogi and Jean O’Grady do a much better job at reviewing new products than I, but Daniel and Ravel Law have been
Lex Machina Releases the Attorney Data Engine
One of the best features that Lex Machina provides for Intellectual Property attorneys is their increased accuracy of information pulled from PACER. The improvements that Lex Machina has made on Cause-of-Action (CoA) and Nature- of-Suit (NoS) codes entered into PACER make it an invaluable resource to clearly identify relevant matters and weed out irrelevant cases.…
Lex Machina and the Wave of Legal Research and Analytics Resources
Image [cc] Giulia Forsythe |
There are very few legal research and analytic platforms that are truly unique, ground-breaking, advantage-giving resources. One of the newer products out there that does seem to fit this category is Lex Machina. Although I’m still not sure the proper pronunciation of the “Machina” (is it “Mah-CHEE-Na” or “Mak-IN-ah” or “Mah-KEEN-ah”??…
Can We Shift From Research to Predictive Analytics?
Image [cc] delpax |
Many of you may have seen Jeff Bezos’ interview this weekend on 60 Minutes where he discussed the next phase of Amazon’s delivery process is looking to using drones to deliver products and remove third-party delivery services altogether. It is an interesting concept, and one that focuses again on streamlining the process…
Whoa is Not You
Grooveshark’s Beluga – Big Data Analytics on the Fans that Listen to Music
If you have a service that gets 20 million unique users a month, and you have personal information on those users, what could you do with it? For the staffers at music streaming site, Grooveshark, the answer was to build a free tool that shows the demographics, culture and lifestyles, habits, and product preferences…
CI and the "La-la-la I can't hear you" Syndrome
ACC Brings the Future to its Members or The ACC KIIAC System Goes Live
The Analysis Fitness Test
Last night, I had the honour (that is spelled correctly, check Greg’s posting on the CLawbies for more detail) of participating in “Using KITs+1™ in Boosting Your Organization’s Analytical Fitness™ ” presented by Dr. Craig S. Fleisher, Chief Learning Officer/Aurora WDC, to a joint audience of members from the Toronto Chapters of Strategic and Competitive…
Applaud the Jellyfish – Or, the Value of Correct Interpretation
In having a good laugh at sarcastic signs (Brilliantly smart-ass responses to completely well-meaning signs) this morning with my fellow Bradys, it occurred to me that the problem, or hilarious joke, depends on interpretation. If correctly interpreted, signs can indicate many things: where to walk, how to use a tool, or when there…