There has been a lot of discussion in the blogosphere and twitter this week about the Bloomberg Law article “Law Firm Librarians Feel Underused and Underpaid” and the accompanying survey. First off, I want to thank Bloomberg BNA for conducting this survey, sharing the results with the law librarian community and David Perla,
Mark Gediman
News Flash: Entry-Level Associates Lack Key Practical Skills
I received a press release from Lexis this morning with this eye-catching headline: “Recent LexisNexis Survey Uncovers Gap in New Attorney Readiness for Real World Practice.” The first thing the whitepaper mentions is that 95% of hiring partners and associates believe that recently graduated law students lack key practical skills. The deficient skills include “advanced legal research,…
The Great Google Debate or "I am not touching this"
I just returned from the AALL annual meeting in Philadelphia and had an interesting discussion with a colleague about Google. First, let me set the scene: I was on a panel with Zena Applebaum and we had just answered a question about our favorite CI resources. A member of the audience then asked why neither…
Ok, now you've saved us money. Can you make us some too?
CI & Law Firms: The Analysis Conundrum
Part 2 of the The Legal Intelligencer’s ongoing series on Law Firm Competitive Intelligence came out on May 13th. The author, Gina Passarelli, makes a few points that, well, let’s just say I have a different perspective on.
Let’s start with the firms that were interviewed for this article. They are AMLAW100 firms with resources and budgets (personnel and…
CI & Law Firms: An Integral Part of the Legal Business
I found the story in today’s Legal Intelligencer on Law Firm Competitive Intelligence interesting.
I noticed a few points (yes I know, surprising isn’t it?) after reading this that I think bear a bit of discussion. Here are my perspectives, which are based on 20 years as a CI professional as well as the Co-chair of…
Former Reporter Named California State Librarian
A headline just crossed my desk from the Sacramento Bee: “Brown Appoints Former Reporter Lucas as State Librarian“
Deep Breath… A manager of one of the most important library systems in California without any apparent
professional library managerial experience?
I am concerned that the Governor of California has placed the stewardship of the State Library in the…
Labels Run Amok or A Librarian by Any Other Name Would not Read as Sweetly…
There has been a lot of discussion in Law Library Land lately about the use of the term “Librarian” to describe the staff that curates and researches in a private law library. The discussion, which has taken place in both blogs (Here is an excellent post) and on AALL listservs, has been lively and interesting.
As a brand,…
Amazon Has Done it Again
Here I am, sitting in my office, planning out my budget for the next year when along comes this announcement from Amazon: “Introducing the Kindle Matchbook.” It seems that Amazon will provide you with an ebook copy of a book that was purchased from them in print for a nominal ranging from a Free (yes, I…
It's About Time: Bloomberg Law is now Bloomberg BNA
Monica Bay of Law Technology News is reporting this morning that Bloomberg Law is rebranding itself as Bloomberg BNA. This acknowledges what those us in the legal industry have known for quite awhile:
- Bloomberg doesn’t have the same name recognition as a provider of legal information that BNA does
- BNA’s name is respected for the quality of their content,