The other day, I was cruising around on the internet and I came across the EPA’s web site.
Lucky for me, I spotted the EPA’s app contest.
Yep, that’s right. The EPA is holding a contest to create an app. And, they are even willing to accept an IDEA for an app. So the contest isn’t just limited to programmers.
The winner will be honored by the EPA at a special ceremony in D.C. and the app will be publicized on the EPA web site.
The only requirement is that the app address one of the following seven principles:
- Take action on climate change
- Improving air quality
- Assuring the safety of chemicals
- Cleaning up our communities
- Protecting America’s waters
- Expanding the conversation on environmentalism
- Building strong State and Tribal partnership
The deadline for submission is September 16, 2011. More info is available at
I’m entering. And why wouldn’t I? My favorite color is green!