I’ve seen a lot of comments on “what is next for Web 2.0” in the past few months, but most of those jump ahead to the “Web 3.0” stage of Cyberdyne’s Skynet artificial intelligence stage. I wanted to bring the discussion back to a less scary (well, at least not “end of the world” scary)

I have been doing social media for a very long time. I and my fellow 3Geeks, @gnawledge and @glambert, were talking about this after our Twitterview with @AlinWagnerLahmy. We all three realized that we had been engaging in social networking for nearly 20 years. In fact, I distinctly remember back in 1992 spending

[Note: Another brilliant Guest Post from our unofficial 4th Geek, Laura Walters] LinkedIn has become the most popular of the professionally focused social media sites, and therefore a goldmine for various competitive intelligence tidbits, sometimes disclosed inadvertently. What I particularly love about LinkedIn is the web you begin to detect between contacts and their

Here is an insight to the Web 2.0 World:

  • One of the best ‘features’ of Web 2.0 is that it allows you to instantly react to what others are saying.
  • One of the worst ‘features’ of Web 2.0 is that it allows you to instantly react to what others are saying.
The trick seems to

While monitoring Canada’s LegalIT 3.0 conference, I noticed something — I’ve seen all of this before.

Let me start from the beginning…
I’m a conference “lurker”. By this, I mean that I try to find out what’s being said at conferences that I’m not physically attending. I’m able to do this because those people that