Today I listened to a webex on how to set up Amazon’s Alexa with key analytics applications to deliver voice-activated reporting.
In this day and age of constant communications and observation, I guess the announcement from TLO shouldn’t surprise me as much as it did. It seems that TLO is launching a new service tomorrow that will use License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology and will return to you the places, times and dates that those license…
I’ve been watching a disturbing trend. More and more people are laconically letting the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter and FourSquare taking over their lives.
I admit. I am as much a victim, perhaps even more of a victim, than you are.
My excuse is that it’s my job.
But what about the rest…
There have been a couple of very interesting opinions coming out of New York recently. I’ll lay out the decisions below, but my reading of these decisions tells me that if you’re a lawyer in New York, you should suggest to your clients that they shutdown their Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or any other social media…
After reading Acquisti and Grossklags’ brilliant paper, “What can Behavioral Economics Teach Us About Privacy?”, I started thinking about how we, as users, engage in protecting our own privacy.
Basically, it all comes down to value: how much do I value my privacy?
And frankly, my privacy may be more valuable than your privacy.…
The NYTimes reports that Virginia Democrat Representative Rick Boucher, who now chairs the House Subcommittee on telecommunications, technology and the internet, wants to write a law to require web surfers to “opt-in” to share personal information with trafficked web sites.
I’m sorry, but I just don’t think that is necessary.
Think about it: less…