Andre Davison was literally a sixteen year old student when he began his career in law firm libraries. Now the Research Technology Manager at Blank Rome’s Houston office, Andre has taken a leadership role both within his firm with technology and diversity programs, and has been rewarded for his efforts with multiple awards. Andre was awarded his firm’s Nathaniel R. Jones Diversity Award for his diversity efforts, and he was the American Association of Law Libraries’ Innovation Tournament winner for his Seamless Access to Secondary Sources (SASS) which enabled lawyers and others at his firm to dive into the portions of research materials directly, and without having to worry about usernames, passwords, or client numbers. Previous TGIR interviewee, David Whelan, has a great summary of his experiences as a judge for the AALL Innovation Tournament.

Andre’s work expands past his award winning efforts at his firm, and he has taken on leadership roles on the local level with the Houston Area Law Libraries (HALL) as the current President. The local chapters are a wealth of professional development, and local community efforts which he says brings a family-like environment to him and his peers.

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How does your family describe what you do?

Speaking of family, we share stories of how our families describe to others what we do for work. As might be expected, it doesn’t always match the reality of the situation. Greg thinks that it might have been easier on his family if he worked at Walmart. We’d love to get more stories to put on the show of what it is that your family members think you do. Leave us a voicemail at 713-487-7270 or email us at and share your story!

Information Inspirations

How Should Law Schools Adjust for Gen Z?

Continue Reading The Geek In Review Ep. 51 – Andre Davison – Winning with Diversity and Technology

UPDATE: Woo Hoo!!  Thanks to the amazing readers of 3 Geeks, we are now leading the voting in this award category.  Voting’s not over and iPhone JD could still pull ahead and Catalyst E-Discovery Search Blog is less than a length behind and could overtake us both.  But I don’t care anymore.  It’s enough to

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AALL is accepting nominations for new products that are valuable to library services. “New Product” is being defined as having been in the market for less than two years, or has been substantially changed during that time. So, if there’s a great product that you’ve brought into your library, you should seriously think about submitting that

The Geeks are always pestering me to post something here and I always weasel out of it claiming I don’t have time or that Mark Gediman can do it instead. Today, however, totally on my own accord, I am writing to ask that you support this wonderful, entertaining and, above all, informative blog by voting

I think I can speak for all 3 of us when I say, “Thanks, ABA, for recognizing we 3 Geeks and A Law Blog in its Third Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100.” And a big thanks to all of our readers, commenters and followers. Every time someone interacts with us, we each get a