The Geeks are always pestering me to post something here and I always weasel out of it claiming I don’t have time or that Mark Gediman can do it instead. Today, however, totally on my own accord, I am writing to ask that you support this wonderful, entertaining and, above all, informative blog by voting for it in the ABA Top Blawgs of 2010 (see story and shameless plug:
Admit it. You read their tweets and click on the blog posting links. You forward blog postings on to friends or colleagues or both. You take a five minute break with the beverage of your choice to troll the blog for the latest insights and happenings. You secretly wish you’d submitted a blurb about why Bones McCoy from Star Trek would be great in a law firm. Why not show your love by helping the Geeks get the recognition they deserve?
It’s quick and painless. Vote Geek!
If you have an ABA Journal online account (username/password), you can go here to login:
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After you’ve logged in, you can go here to “Vote Geek” (of course, we’re the 3rd on the list) .