I think I can speak for all 3 of us when I say, “Thanks, ABA, for recognizing we 3 Geeks and A Law Blog in its Third Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100.” And a big thanks to all of our readers, commenters and followers. Every time someone interacts with us, we each get a little tingle up our spine and it makes it all worth while. And like hungry little Pavlovian mice, we want to win your affection all over again. All I can say is that it is a pleasure to serve our readership some of our tidbits, much like a cook enjoys serving up his culinary creations. I’m not sure that we are serving anything of true nutritional value–it may only be ballpark food. But, hey, half the fun is just being in the game. Like Toby said to me today, we’ve come a long way since that lunch a year and a half ago when we were saying to each other, “I wish we could just keep talking about all this legal technology stuff all day. This is the fun stuff.” And has it been fun!
Thanks for the Fun!

[Note from Greg: And if you love us… I mean really love us, vote for 3 Geeks as your favorite Legal Tech Blog!! Although we are soooo much more than just a ‘legal tech’ site!]