Nicole Morris is the Director of the TI:GER Program and Professor in Practice for Emory Law School in Atlanta, Georgia. She joins the podcast to discuss the upcoming TI:GER Innovation Conference on January 28, 2021. This free (yes FREE!) online conference on “Advancing Equity in Innovation” is focused on addressing the needs of women and people of color in technology. Not just legal technology, but the overall scope of issues affecting them from STEM education, to Patents, and to the lack of Venture Capital funding. The top tier presenters of the conference include BigLaw attorneys, Managing Partners, Tech Entrepreneurs, Patent Officials, and Startup Advisors. The TI:GER Innovation Conference is a must-attend for women and people of color in the tech field, and for those looking for ways to be better allies to the underrepresented community in technology. Registration for this FREE online conference is available here.

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Information Inspirations

There are conspiracies that may be true, and there are conspiracy theories that are usually not true. The Culture Analytics Group a the University of California, Berkeley developed an AI tool to distinguish between the two.

ILTA launched a five-part podcast series featuring ILTA’s Influential Women in Legal Tech Honorees to discuss their experience and insights on how they’ve addressed legal innovation. Part one and part two are out now.

Many believe that misinformation is something that the “other side” is tricked into believing. Unfortunately, a lot of the misinformation is willfully consumed, not just by the other side, but by many of us. The consumption is so widespread that the Washington Post stopped publishing its Internet fact-checking column because people simply didn’t care. Sean Blanda expands on this human behavior of willfully accepting false information in his Medium post, “The ‘Other Side’ Is Not Dumb.”

The audio-only social media tool Clubhouse is becoming popular in the business community. While it is still an invite-only, Apple iOS-only tool, Clubhouse is gaining traction in the community. We will check it out, and see if the reporting is true in that it might be a great platform to do a live-podcast. If we do it… we’ll let you all know.

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Marlene Gebauer: Welcome to The Geek In Review. The podcast focused on innovative and creative ideas in the legal industry. I’m Marlene Gebauer.

Greg Lambert: And I’m Greg Lambert. So in today’s program, we bring in someone who I admire for her work and training law students for the reality of legal practice. Nicole Morris, who is the director of the TI:GER program and professor in practice at Emory law school in Atlanta. So Nicole comes on to talk about the upcoming TI:GER innovation conference, which you know, Marlene, I’ve told you many times, this was one of the best conferences that I attended. And I went last year right before you know, COVID took over the world. And it was just great to have her on the show and talk about the great content coming up on January 28. And the best thing about it Marlene, it’s free.

Marlene Gebauer: We love free,

Greg Lambert: We love free.

Marlene Gebauer: Well, let’s get to this week’s information inspirations.

Marlene Gebauer: First, we are recording just after the presidential swearing in. And I am pleased to say that the transfer of power was conducted peacefully, as it always does. And as it should be.

Greg Lambert: Yeah, there was one cool thing that I saw right after the inauguration after the swearing in was that the new site is up. And there’s this clever note that’s buried in the HTML code, encouraging digital and web services people to apply to work for the new administration, so as to say they know how to advertise to their market.

Marlene Gebauer: Yeah, it’s like a little Easter egg there. Well, my inspirations are related today, and they are about conspiracy theories. So the first is that there’s now an AI tool developed by the culture analytics group at the University of California, which can distinguish between a conspiracy theory, what’s not true, and a true conspiracy. Now the tool identifies narratives and looks at this in relation to sets of people places and things and their relationships. The tool is processing 1000s of social media posts centered around say, pizza gate, or bridge gate, and reviewing the layers of narrative and then the overall narrative itself. It turns out that after the analysis, the connections between narrative layers fall apart for false stories, but stay strong and the true ones. So I hope we hear more about this.

Greg Lambert: Yeah, it was interesting. There was a meme that was going around this week with the conspiracy theories, and one was that Finland doesn’t exist. Have you seen that one?

Marlene Gebauer: I haven’t seen that one.

Greg Lambert: Think that was the one that caught people by surprise.

Marlene Gebauer: And Finland is like, what?? Wait a minute.

Greg Lambert: So my first inspiration is ILTA, the international legal Technology Association has an outstanding five part podcast series, that they are bringing in the winners of their 2020 ILTA influential women in legal tech honorees. So the first two episodes are already out. And they include some of our favorite people like Nicole Bradick and Maya Markovich. And there’s a number of international guests who I’m hearing for the first time. And that’s really, really cool. Yeah, and even though it may be the first time I know, it’s not going to be the last time because one of them, I’m actually who’s the moderator on episode one, Jackie Nagtegall from Cape Town, South Africa is going to present with me in a class for Drexel School of Law in a few weeks. So now at least I can hear what her voice sounds like before we meet for the first time for the class. So kudos to ILTA for both recognizing these influential women and legal tech, as well as giving them a platform to speak to all of us about their experiences and insights.

Marlene Gebauer: Speaking of ILTA I also want to give a shout out to Gwyn McAlpine, who basically put a nice summary of a different km links together. So I basically have my reading set for me for the next few days. So thanks to Gwyn for that. My second inspiration is a nugget in a larger article about false consensus bias. Social media surrounds us with like-minded people, and we post things that we know garner support rather than consider alternative views or even the truth. misinformation on social media is apparently so rampant that the Washington Post stopped publishing its internet fact checking column, because people didn’t seem to care if stuff was true.

Greg Lambert: Yeah

Marlene Gebauer: Great. So the distrust and cognitive bias is so strong that people who fall for hoax news stories are frequently only interested in consuming information that conforms with their views. Even when it’s demonstrably fake. And this got me thinking about my first inspiration. Because of course, I initially thought, well, an AI conspiracy theory spotter could be a really useful thing, you know, to clarify the truth. But now I wonder if anyone will care?

Greg Lambert: Yeah, we’re in a, we’re in a kind of a weird situation. And I think even those of us that think we know better, tend to fall into these bad habits. So you know, and I can tell you that there’s been times where I’m guilty as well, that there’s been some things I’ve had to take down or things that I’ve consciously left up knowing that it’s not 100% true, just because it fit a narrative. So you know, we’re, we’re all I would say, we’re all pretty guilty of it in some form or fashion.

Marlene Gebauer: Yeah. I mean, it’s what surrounds us is, is what’s influencing this. So, yeah, it’s a very interesting article. Not for just that little nugget, but for the rest of it. So I encourage everyone to take a look.

Greg Lambert: Alright, well, Marlene, hopefully I can pull this out of the dark place. Yeah. So have you heard of clubhouse the new social media app?

Marlene Gebauer: Well, yes, I have, Greg.

Greg Lambert: Because I sent you an invite. Yes, you did. Well, some are saying that this could be the next big social media platform. Some people are saying that because now celebrities are getting on to it.

Marlene Gebauer: So that’s why you did it.

Greg Lambert: So that’s, that’s why I did it. I don’t know why everybody else is doing it. So right now, it’s a it’s an iOS platform only. So you can only use it on your Apple devices. And you have to be invited to the platform by someone who’s already on there. And the reason is, is it’s in serious beta right now. So it doesn’t have the platform or infrastructure to go full release yet. So yeah, so I sent you an invite, this morning. And hopefully, we can explore it together at some point. what makes this really interesting is that this is an audio-only platform. And that really makes it different from the other platforms, which are text-based, video, picture, like we’re used to. The idea is that you create or join a room with a particular topic. The speakers are on the stage, and the moderator can pass the mic around to the audience so that others can come up on stage and talk, you can schedule these rooms and events and invite others to join in a way it’s very much like having a breakout at a seminar or perhaps even like an interactive podcast. And maybe once we figure it out, we should see if we could do a live podcast on the platform. What do you think?

Marlene Gebauer: I think that’s a great idea. That’ll be some fun to do.

Greg Lambert: That would be some fun to do. So the and the other thing that I like about it, and it’s kind of like when we talked about Fishbowl,

Marlene Gebauer: I was thinking about Fishbowl because it’s like, well, yeah.

Greg Lambert: And so it’s really set up as a business style platform. So it’s more like an audio only LinkedIn more than it is like the social media content that you see on Facebook or Twitter.

Marlene Gebauer: Yeah, I could see this being used. If you didn’t want to use video conferencing, I mean that this would be something that that people could just sort of jump on and, and just all have a discussion about things. presentations. Sure.

Greg Lambert: Yeah, we’ll give the audience a heads up. If we want to do a do a test run.

Marlene Gebauer: We’re totally gonna try that.

Greg Lambert: Alright, and that wraps up this week’s information inspirations.


Marlene Gebauer: We’re very excited to bring on a good friend of both of ours Nicole Morris to discuss her work at Emory law school with the tiger program and her upcoming Tiger innovation conference on January 28th. We have the registration information on the show notes. So we encourage attendance of anyone who’s interested in how we can better prepare law students to understand legal technology, as well as entrepreneurs, primarily those who are female and people of color, who are looking for examples of how they can break into the industry.

Greg Lambert: And it’s free

Marlene Gebauer: And it’s free.

Marlene Gebauer: Nicole Morris is the director of the Tiger program and professor in practice at Emory University School of Law. Nicole, welcome to the geek in review.

Nicole Morris: Hello. Hi.

Greg Lambert: Good to have you on. So Nicole, we wanted to talk to you about the upcoming Tiger innovation conference coming up on January 28. From 11am to 2pm. Eastern Standard Time, I had the absolute pleasure of attending last year’s conference in person. And I still say it was one of the best conferences I’ve been to. And it was actually one of the last conferences. I think I went to legal week soon. Yeah. And that was it. That was That was it for conferences. So I’m glad to have you on here to talk about this year’s program.

Nicole Morris: I’m happy to be here. Yeah, it’s it’s hard planning events during a pandemic, particularly when you’re used to doing face to face events. And you look forward to those events, because it’s an opportunity to connect people together and to see people you haven’t seen in a while. And now we’re doing it virtually this year, but it’s safer. I’m glad we’re able to do something, as opposed to canceling it outright. So I’m happy to

Greg Lambert: I’m sure people can get their own bad coffee and danishes. And the whole feel for it just stands up.

Nicole Morris: That’s right, that’s right.

Marlene Gebauer: Well, before we talk about this year’s event, can you tell us a little bit about the tiger program itself? And what you’ve done over the past six years since the inception of the program?

Nicole Morris: Yeah, happy to talk about that. So the program is unique to law school or legal education. It’s a partnership with Georgia Tech. And we train law students alongside business students, the MBA program at Georgia Tech. And we bring in PhD candidates, and students from either tech or Emory. And that group learned together in a multi-disciplinary format, on how to take University technology out of the universities or how to commercialize it, and build a business with it. So they’re looking at business valuation frameworks, through a very thin outline of a business plan, some of the initial intellectual property considerations around the technology, how to license it out of tech transfer offices, for example. And then market analysis and industry analysis to understand where you can be somewhat profitable at the beginning of your enterprise.

Greg Lambert: Is it a one Semester Program, or is it a full year program?

Nicole Morris: So the law students are required to participate for two semesters, which ends up being one year? I think that business students are about a two year commitment on their side, I decided to shrink it on the last side, because I think after two semesters, the students sort of get what they can get out of it, so to speak, there’s a third semester, which is optional. And it’s kind of a capstone experience, I’d say I get about 90% of my sort of retention of students going through the first year to continue for the third semester. And I run it like an entrepreneurship law class. And I think you guys are both guest speakers. One year last fall, I should say, where we always talk about like, remember, we’re all 2019. So I’m able to introduce a lot of really interesting legal tech trends, and the capstone course. And I look at it as a springboard into their practice future. So what are some of the technology aspects happening in the legal industry that I least want them to have an understanding of to see to hear before they enter practice?

Marlene Gebauer: So what type of feedback Are you getting from students when they go into the world? Like, you know, you’re preparing them for some of this technology? How are they feeling about whether they’re getting access to it and whether it’s prepared them?

Nicole Morris: So I’m actually great question, I’m actually preparing an impact report that I will summarize kind of the last six years of Tiger and try to get a sense of the data behind some of the anecdotal statements I’m hearing. So anecdotally, I get Thank you like, I get a huge thank you. Right, you know, Thank you, professor. I didn’t have anything like this in my doctrinal classes or some of the other classes. I took it at Emory. Thank you, because my firm uses case texts or fast case or we’re looking at Documate or you know that one speaker from so and so that mentioned something obscure at the time. Now that’s all the rage and everyone’s talking about it. So they’re grateful. And I get a lot of thank-yous. And I also, sometimes it allows people to pivot, right? I thought I really wanted to do this. But now I realized I really want to focus on access to justice, or I really want to focus on other issues, social justice issues, because they’re not sort of the theme of this year’s conference that the equity issues that become glaringly apparent, once we start looking deeper at either AI or who’s doing what in the legal tech industry, they feel compelled to act, because, you know, obviously, all the students at Emory, you know, believe it or not, they are privileged, right, like it’s a privilege to be at this private university and getting this education and they see the disparities, and they are compelled to do something about it. So it’s a wide range of how the students sort of impacted by these small classroom experiences. But for the most part, I think everyone’s thankful.

Marlene Gebauer: Well, I mean, it’s, it’s it’s good to hear that that people are thinking of other opportunities outside what maybe what they originally came in thinking, and also that they’re, they’re using the technology, and then that you introduce them to that.

Nicole Morris: Yeah.

Greg Lambert: Well, speaking of the theme, let’s jump into the conference this year, where your theme is advancing equity and innovation. Can you walk us through what we should expect from the conference this year?

Nicole Morris: Yeah, so it’s a smaller event, mainly because of the virtual format, like it’s really hard to sort of spend three hours uninterrupted on a Zoom on a Microsoft team. So it’s more of a workshop-style discussion. And Greg, you were there before where we would have like a panel discussion, then q&a. It’s still that panel discussion, but I describe it as a workshop, meaning I’m hoping the audience becomes more engaged earlier in the topical discussion. So each speaker, we have three segments to the conference this year. So we’re going to start on the technology side and looking at sort of the lack of equity among technologists. So in terms of people of color, and women, who is represented in terms of the inventorship population, why is this such a gap for women and people of color and filing applications at the patent office? What are we doing to address those inequities? I’ve got a speaker from the USPTO, who deals with a lot of their education pipeline issues. We’re trying to focus a little bit more on the front end of what I’ll call the innovation ecosystem, right? So who are the creators and inventors? And what do they look like?

Greg Lambert: Are you narrowing it to innovation and legal or do you have a wider umbrella on innovation?

Nicole Morris: Yeah, it’s a wider umbrella. So it’s more about STEM and people of color in areas of science and technology, as well as the legal industry. I think, in my mind, I’m starting to see a blurring. So I’m an engineer by training, right? So when I first came out into the engineering world, it wasn’t cool to be a chemical engineer, right? We were rather vilified as the geekiest and nerdiest. It’s sort of like Revenge of the Nerds. Like that movie was like my reality. Right? Do you have those glasses? I did not. Or did I have a pocket protector? Because I thought that that was, luckily that was more male dominated. So as a girl, I could get away with the purse. But yeah, I mean, we weren’t, you know, uplifted right now. It’s cool to be in tech. Right? You know, tech companies are sort of like, trending and popular. But what’s happening in terms of the opportunities for people in straight, you know, engineering science hardcore disciplines, looks the same as it did when I was coming out in the late 80s and early 90s. And it’s, it’s deplorable. Like, it’s really, when I started thinking about putting together speakers for this event, I thought, how are we still talking about the same? How are we still talking about the same thing, part of the conference on a whole within the theme is to highlight some of the issues and problems, but also to include some discussion on solutions, or on programs and initiatives, or at least attempting to close the gap. Right? So we understand that there’s a huge disparity. But well, maybe we don’t for those that don’t like so educate those that don’t realize there is a disparity, what the disparity looks like, and then what’s happening to address and close the gap. And so the speakers comprise people who are on both sides of that or maybe, you know, are involved enough to know on the solution side so we are going to include a wider sense of topical issues on the equity and innovation With the inventorship, and more scientific technical community,

Marlene Gebauer: well, this is really exciting because you’re right, like every year, you see the stats about sort of women in tech, and you know, stem, and it’s it’s always, it’s always abysmal, it’s been so for years. So I think it’s wonderful that you’re bringing, you know, you’re bringing a group of people who, you know, not only are succeeding, but are sharing solutions, you know, as well as highlighting the problem. So, who are the presenters this year? What are they doing? You know, just tell us a little bit about them?

Nicole Morris: Sure. So I’ll start kind of in what I’ll call is somewhat of the run of show. So we’re gonna start again, with the gaps in the technical community. So we’ve got Joyce Ward from the US Patent and Trademark Office who works on pipeline issues in the US, and she’s Director of Education at the patent office. There’s an initiative called invent together, which is kind of a coalition of law firms and private sort of nonprofits that are looking at what impediments are there to women and people of color, even getting into the inventor pipeline, you know, what is it inventorship education? What are some of the barriers? And how can we close the gap on there and Holly fashioner from Covington Burling is a speaker, to talk about that, because she’s active with that organization. And then we have, I’m hoping to get a speaker. He hasn’t confirmed his availability yet. But he’s like, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. He’s working on the digital divide. So if you went to the LSE conference, you might be familiar with Larry Irving. And I’m hoping Larry can make it work on his calendar, but he’s doing some phenomenal work. And that’s getting at, again, sort of the access issues with people of color. As I think about the problem. And its complexity, it’s compounded, right. So if you don’t have access to broadband, if you don’t have access to be able to learn in a digital environment, like we’re doing today, you’re not participating in the innovation ecosystem, at a minimum, if you don’t have access to inventorship, education, through clubs, organization, programs, support groups, you’re not going to be aware of what intellectual property rights are. Nor are you aware of, you know, your creative music and art and writings and maybe even technical prototypes and things like that could be filed as a utility, patent or design patent or trademark or copyright, like you’re not aware of any of these issues. So the first part, the speakers are going to look at what they’re doing either nationally or globally, to address some of those. And then we’ll take a break, we’ll take a lunch break, take a stretch break, we’ll take a whatever break, get a stale, Danish break, and resume with the more legal Eagles of the world and what they’re doing in terms of advancing equity. So we’ve got Kristin Sunday, who started or co founder of Paladin, and she just put out a report on women and people of color as far as legal tech founders. So she’ll share some of the results of that work. We’ve got an academic mirror Tao, who is now director of lesi, which is kind of this behind the scenes organization, looking at demographics for law schools. She’s going to talk about her recent book, where she put together some data and research on race and gender in the legal Academy. You know, no surprise there. It looks a lot like race and gender issues in the legal profession as a whole in terms of law firms. But she’s got some interesting work that she’s doing. And she’ll talk about the work that she and the research that she put forth in her book. And then we’ve got a gentleman from London. So I talked to him last Friday. And he was like, you know, I’m like the middle aged white guy on your panel. Are you sure you want me here? And I’m like, Yes. If you are here to talk about equity issues, because we need everybody to help, right? So it can’t be a discussion of women only can’t be a discussion of black and brown people only right like we need everyone here. But what’s interesting, he’s the managing partner of Kilburn strode, and he’s office sits in London. So he has a global perspective on what the firm’s are doing in London. And it was a great chat, because he shared some things about initiatives that they’re starting there to recognize that the managing executive team at most firms in London, surprise, surprise, look the same, and that’s not good, and they need to do better. So he’ll share some thoughts. And I loved his vulnerability and just sort of plain transparency that hey, I know, you know, I’m Stumbling on some of these issues. I’m not great on diversity, equity inclusion in terms of discussing it. So I’m here to educate myself as well. And I thought it was a phenomenal conversation sort of as a, you know, getting him oriented to the theme. And I think he’ll be a great speaker. And then we’re going to close out with looking at resource equity. So as we talk about entrepreneurship, and legal tech founders and founders of color, one of the gaps, or one of the issues I’m hearing from a lot of people in the Atlanta area, at least, is we can find mentors all day long. But we’re having trouble getting startup capital, right? We need people to write checks, to support our ideas, we can build some prototypes. So we can get some either sales or marketing efforts put forth. But we need money to do that. And we’re still struggling to get funding resources, even if it’s just a small de-risking funding that every startup needs. But, you know, startups with founders of color, are struggling still to kind of push through that first stage and milestone.

Marlene Gebauer: Now, you know, are they going to share sort of resources to gather funding, as well as part of the discussion?

Nicole Morris: So yes, I’m hoping through the audience. So this is whereas we’re talking about who’s going to show up, I’m hoping audience participation will help us here, but Dorna (Moini), who founded Documate, I know she’ll participate? I just don’t remember like, what timing? She’s been wildly successful. So we have some successful women, legal tech founders who I want to share. How did you, you know, manage this capital raise issue? Like, what did you do? What would you advise, we’ve got a gentleman who works with startups here in Atlanta, to our Atlanta Technology Development Center, which sits on Georgia Tech’s campus. And their main goal as a center is to basically help startups thrive, right to help them kind of get through early-stage through maturity, and they’ve got an educational program, they’ve got an accelerator program. So he’ll talk about resources that are available, there’s some government resources that are available. What I hope to do with that last segment on resource equity, we leave with like a roadmap for people that I can share through our Tiger platform that says, Here are the six things you should be doing daily, weekly, monthly, whatever the appropriate frequency is, or here the methodologies that were most successful, for the founders who spoke in our conference that if you’re not deploying these strategies, you should consider so that’s the goal. So people can at least leave the event with some action plan or some sense of, I’ve got some ideas for what I can do next. Not to say that they’re all going to be you know, I feel like my lawyer disclaimer has to come on. This is not to say that I can get the same recovery for you if you come to my firm, but I will try to do my best to get you as much money as I can. I’m not a plaintiff’s attorney. I’m not a personal injury attorney. But I do love their disclaimers.

Greg Lambert: Yeah, it’s I have a disclaimer on my firm’s podcast where you know, results may vary.

Nicole Morris: That’s exactly right.

Marlene Gebauer: But on ours, yeah.

Greg Lambert: That’s for sure. Just quickly, to go back to your, your speaker from the UK, that kind of reminded me we had Jennifer Bluestein, on talking about mid-level associates, and one of the things that she has been trying to help them with his allyship. And that, you know, there’s this need for people that aren’t necessarily people of color, but there’s still a role for everyone to play. But you have to learn how to do that through your allyship. And so kudos to him for showing up and again, you know, showing some vulnerability on this. One I like to learn so, yeah, and

Nicole Morris: that’s exactly the words that he used in our discussion. I said That’s exactly right. Right. So what does allyship really look like? What does that mean? And that’s part of his, his remarks. And I think it’ll be really interesting to get the audience engaged in a you know, we’ll probably have some sort of, you know, let’s not kill the messenger here, like you know, it cuz I don’t know where people will be. What are the things that I’ve learned in this pandemic? And, sadly, 2021 is starting off like the 13th month of 2020. You know, you just never know, day of where people are coming into your classroom. Like I think about this with my students, but where people are coming in, you know, what personal experience they may have had the day before a few hours before. We’ll just try to make sure that everyone is kind and respectful and their remarks and questions and We can actually have a dialogue. We don’t have to agree that’s not at all part of this conference. It’s just to have respectful dialogue.

Greg Lambert: Speaking of people attending the conference, who should attend the conference? Who who are you looking for to show up?

Nicole Morris: You guys, Marlene and Greg? No, I want students to show up, you know, every year, the audience base, you know, that we like to get as the same practicing lawyers, and this year love to get more of the tech, you know, tech community to show up technologist of color. So the tech community, the legal community, and then those in legal education students, folks who are trying to figure out a different path and make things somewhat, you know, equitable and believe in, you know, equity and inclusion in terms of their work and their education.

Greg Lambert: How does one find more information? And how to sign up? And is there? You know, do you have to register? And is there a cost,

Nicole Morris: so the conference is free, which is another perk of our virtual world. If you guys can share the registration link, it’s all kind of electronic, of course, you register through our Emory marketing office, and then we’ll push out the link to the webinar to all registered participants. So we haven’t pushed out there the actual event link yet because we’re just still pulling together the folks on a registration list so you can register as late as the day of or the day before because it’s virtual, right? It’s a matter of getting the access, which is nice.

Greg Lambert: And I don’t know if you know, this, Nicole, but we love free around

Marlene Gebauer: here. I was gonna say was like, No, I’m gonna let Nicole finish. But it’s like, yes, free is very important to us.

Nicole Morris: We started off as a free event, and then we switch to a low sort of fee, mainly because people would register and then not show up. Right? And I had food I had coffee, and I’m like, okay, I can’t This is a logistics planning nightmare. So at least the somewhat of a paywall allowed me to get a sense of who’s serious.

Greg Lambert: Well to tell my story from last year. So I found out it was what 25 bucks to

Nicole Morris: 35 or something like that.

Greg Lambert: Yeah. And so I like the same day I saw that it was 25 bucks. I went on and southwest had a round trip flight to Atlanta from Houston for 100 bucks. And I paid like 150 bucks for a hotel room. So I had a whole conference that was done for you know, less than $300. So

Nicole Morris: yeah. Oh my god, that’s some conference.

Marlene Gebauer: And then the best one you went to and the best one I went to, you know,

Greg Lambert: and by far the best bang for the buck.

Nicole Morris: Thank you. We try to deliver value values important to us. Thank you.

Greg Lambert: Well, Nicole Morris from Emory University’s School of Law. Thank you very much and best of luck with the upcoming Tiger conference. Thank you, Nicole.

Nicole Morris:  Thank you guys. Thank you so much.


Greg Lambert: Marlene, Nicole is absolutely one of my favorite people to talk to simply because you can just feel her enthusiasm and sincerity in what she’s doing there at Emory with the TI:GER program. Plus, she is such a geek.

Marlene Gebauer: Yes.

Greg Lambert: So Marlene, we had talked before we started recording the interview with Nicole. And we were reminiscing about being at LegalWeek last year and watching Nicole go into full geek mode with a patent attorney discussing AI and the potential challenges for patents developed using AI. And I admit that the conversation itself was way over my head but it was super fun to listen to.

Marlene Gebauer: Yeah, back when conferences were normal.

Greg Lambert: Yeah,

Marlene Gebauer: it seems so long ago it was like a year ago. Well, I’m excited to hear what the assessment she is creating reveals. You know, I know everyone who’s attending is getting value. And but what I’m curious about, what I want to know is are they able to translate that into actionable projects and work in legal organizations? And to hear about the success of those projects because you know, that inspires others and keeps the momentum going.

Greg Lambert: Well, thanks again to Nicole Morris for joining us today, we have the links on the show notes on how you can register for free for the TI:GER innovation conference on January 28.

Marlene Gebauer: This is gonna be great.

Greg Lambert: Yeah.

Marlene Gebauer: Before we go, we want to remind listeners to take the time to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Rate and Review us as well. If you have comments about today’s show or suggestions for a future show, you can reach us on Twitter at @gebauerm or @glambert, you can call the Geek In Review Hotline at 713-487-7270 or email us at As always, the music you hear is from Jerry David DiCicca. Thanks, Jerry.

Greg Lambert: Thanks, Jerry. All right, Marlene, I will talk with you later.

Marlene Gebauer: All right, ciao.