Pinterest announced a new feature last Friday–secret boards.

Now, I know you are wondering: why in the world would a law firm care about Pinterest? Well, as I suggested in an earlier post, Pinterest is law firm-friendly. You just need to be creative!

So what can a law firm do with secret boards? Well, for one, keep track of competitors and clients, of course!

Another nice feature is that it you can invite folks to a private board to view your photos. I find Pinterest to be a great place to look at very large graphics, particularly infographs and charts. So if you had to showcase a large number of graphics to  a disparate group, this would  be a perfect spot to do so. They can leave comments and mark items as favorites.

Secret boards are also a perfect way to build your boards and test-drive them before a launch. We all know how lawyers want everything to be perfect before we push send. So this is a way for us marketers to set up a board, pick just the right images and arrange the lay-out before it goes live.

And, as always, make sure that you have rights to post the images that you are using–we don’t want to run afoul of the law.

Just a few thoughts on how to use my new favorite social media site!