I posed this question on Twitter but got no responses. I suppose that answers that.

But, I think I just got lost in the Twittersphere so I raise the question again.

Do “Real” Journalists Twitter?

You see, I have been having this long-standing debate (well, ok, a 4-month debate) with a former reporter who claims that no reporter worth his/her salt would deign to use Twitter as a story source and that there are no reporters at reputable papers using Twitter.


Well, if that were true, I wouldn’t be able to follow @jsnell, @pogue, @Tracyo42, @stephditta, @jenleereeves, @judywriter, @brianstelter and many, many more.

And then on Twellow, an app that works like a yellow pages for Twitter, there is a category devoted to reporters.

I guess for some, ignorance is bliss . . .