Ryan has previously waxed poetic about how some mandatory bars are imposing odd and counterproductive ethics rules and opinions.

This topic resurfaced for me recently as I have been asked to present to a futures committee of a mandatory bar in November. They are wanting me to give them a picture of all that is

Last week I posted on how recent DC Bar opinions would cause clients to have to pay for more lawyer time. I don’t think the DC Bar was attempting to directly protect the lawyers’ market from e-discovery vendors, but instead saw that protection as an unintended consequence. As a result of the post, I received

Image [cc] zen

There has been talk for the last few years about the unsustainability of the Graduate School program in the United States. For many of us, we have heard the segment that talks specifically about law schools, and have watched as many of the schools are caught in… shall we say, stretching the truth

No, this isn’t the beginning of a bad lawyer joke. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship with Texas’s many bar associations.
Thanks to our Facebook relationship, I had the opportunity to share the stage at the Texas Bar Leaders Conference with the Texas State Bar’s social media whiz, John Sirman.
He’s a lawyer/webbie,