I had some fun over at the SLA Future Ready 365 blog this weekend when my post “Re-embracing the “Shush”–Can the Library be a Quiet Place in the Age of Social?” went up on Sunday. There is a lot of talk about how the library should be a place for social gathering, sharing…
I met with current SLA President, Cindy Romaine, a couple months ago and she told me about her project to launch a member-written blog for SLA members. The goal of the blog is to run for 365 days, with 365 posts describing what individual members are doing to prepare for the future of their industry.…
Kudos to the Minnesota SLA division’s Terri Horsmann for converting this 1964 information film to a YouTube video for all to see. It was fun to see how the information research of 1964 corporate libraries has changed, but it was more interesting to see how much of it still runs parallel to today’s research techniques.
As you…