Last Wednesday, my wife and I were on day 3 of a 4 day Vermont cheese and maple syrup tour.  It was about noon on the hottest day of the year and we were driving down Route 35, about 30 miles from anywhere you’ve ever heard of, when I took a sharp corner and quickly

Over the last three and a half years after my divorce, I haven’t gone out much: no bars, no happy hours, no mixers. Lots of week-ends at home and working at my career. And watching lots of YouTube.

A few months ago one Sunday, I spent about 3 hours watching some YouTube videos on how

If you are like me, you have a lot of people that you “follow” via your social media channels. For example, I have over 2,600 folks that I follow via Twitter. But, out of those 2,600+ I probably only have the emails to a couple of dozen, and the phone numbers of a handful. My

Today, it was proved to me, once again, that social media works.

About nine months ago, Greg–my co-conspirator and co-blogger in crime–started following me on Twitter. Then he met a bunch of folks online and he passed on my Twitter handle to a bunch of his friends.

So I started following Greg’s friends that followed