How Do We Handle Parole Hearings for Supervillains?
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Can a SuperHuman/Other Worlder Defraud Someone?
Another case going on with the SuperHuman Law Division is Jen and Nikki’s old workmate Dennis Bukowski’s issue with being defrauded by a shapeshifting Light-Elf from New Asgard who pretended to be Megan Thee Stallion. Would a reasonable person believe that Dennis could pull Megan Thee Stallion?? Probably not. But, is Dennis a reasonable person? Probably not.
Office Space at GLK/H
We get a little more of a peek into Jen’s and Holden Holliway’s offices. This is a high-end, well crafted office space. How does it compare to actual law firm offices in 2022? Where are the paralegal offices? Where is the diversity of lawyers at GLK/H? Why does Holliway have a bar in his office and Jennifer does not? We address all of these important issues.
The Wrecking Crew is Out for Blood
She-Hulk Thee Rainmaker
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