Image [cc] PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE

As I sat through a demonstration of the LexisNexis Digital Library (eBook) platform, there were a few thoughts that crossed my mind:

  • The eBook platform for law firms is inevitable
  • How do I keep from suddenly having (paying for) the same “book” in three formats – print, database, and eBook?
  • Holy crap…

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There are a couple of trends that I’ve seen when talking with other law librarians about e-books. First, legal publishing vendors don’t seem to have a plan on what to do about e-books. Second, law librarians don’t seem to know what to do about e-books, either. My suggestions to the law librarian

The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) has collaborated to create a white paper on the set of skills needed for today’s librarian and information services professionals. Whether it is Knowledge Management, working with Practice Groups, Competitive Intelligence, Electronic Books, or the evolving trends

Image [cc] ivyfield

When I was at AALL last month, someone asked me who I though would “win” the e-book format challenge. I think they were giving me a multiple-choice answer between Kindle, iBooks, HTML5, etc. However, my answer was “D — None of the Above.” In my mind, the “winner” doesn’t even exist yet.

I’m sure everyone’s heard by now that Google has launched its own e-reader.
Now, I’m no business whiz, but when I see a third, large company enter the foray in a marketplace that is already dominated by two–let’s say Westlaw and Lexis–usually the third one doesn’t do so well.
People don’t like making decisions.

“We’re very ‘Green’ here.
The library’s e-book collection is actually powered
by incinerating all those books behind you.”

I look around my desk at work and I tick off all the technology I have in front of me.

  • Desktop PC w/side-by-side monitors … check
  • smart phone … check
  • iPad … check
  • e-book reader … check
  • laptop