I’ve seen a couple of articles on VaporStream’s “Electronic Conversation Software”. The idea is that you can send communications that look a lot like e-mail, but the communication is temporary, exists in the cloud, and resides in your computers RAM (temporary memory). Once the communication is over, it disappears and cannot be recovered, even through

Vendors, Bathtubs, and Conversations
Today’s my last day in New York and I’m ready to get back to Houston where the bathtubs don’t sit in the middle of my living room, surrounded by two walls of plate glass windows, overlooking a park full of joggers. As I mentioned earlier this week, a few bloggers were asked to come to…

Law Firm Libraries & Marketing – Working Together
I just finished reading a piece (PDF available here) by one of my favorite law firm Competitive Intelligence gurus, Shannon Kay Sankstone. Shannon and her co-worker Charlotte Graesser Henderson from Quarles & Brady explained the need for the Library/Research staff within a law firm to work in tandem with the Marketing department. I…
More on the Dangers of Freemail
Coming on the heels of our Gmail Waives Privilege dialogue, I came across even further evidence of the dangers of using free email systems like Gmail. As reported in the Washington Post and published by the Houston Chronicle, for only $100 you can buy the password to a any freemail account. The article explains…
Gmail Waives Privilege – Part Deux
Previously on 3 Geeks, we posted on the dangers of using free email services like Gmail. The basic argument is that by granting a property right to content (a.k.a. client information) to Google, lawyers risk of waiving privilege. We had an interesting set of comments come in from this post, exploring how serious this problem…

Which Do You Value More – Conformity or Diversity?
It’s been a busy week around the three geekdom. Although I couldn’t attend the ILTA 09 meeting in Washington DC, I monitored it religiously (via the #ILTA09 tag) and helped my boss prep for her back-to-back presentations on Records Management and Library Services contract negotiations. We had a Westlaw blowup mid-week, and I…
Use Gmail – Waive Privilege?
Recently I noticed a resurgence of the debate on the wisdom of lawyers using hosted, freebie email accounts. The basic concern has been about the security of these types of email addresses. It is quite easy to spoof one of these addresses and intercept communications. As well Twitter can testify that once cracked, the passwords…
Move Over Gen X, Gen Y, and Millenials. The iPoders are Coming…
Professor Benjamin Akande, Webster University Dean of Business and Technology, describes the latest generation as “internet-savvy, phone-addicted, opportunistic and digitally conscious.”
Calling them iPoders, Akande says they number over 115 million and are the first generation to be raised exclusively on computers.
They have never had to manually turn on a t.v. They have never…

My IT Guy and I Have a Nodding Relationship
I read two completely unrelated things yesterday that made me think of how, in our efforts to become efficient, we have lost something very important along the way — relationships.
MicroBlogging Within the Enterprise: The Missing Communications Tool
I have touted the benefits of using MicroBlogging tools like Twitter in the past as a good method of replacing listservs and as a way of creating a virtual water cooler to bounce ideas off of others. MicroBlogging – basically, a method of small electronic message communication – has many ways of streamlining communications in…