In our third installment of Love and Legal Tech, we talk with Ab Saraswat and Priti Saraswat. Ab and Priti met while training to be barristers in the UK. They were on opposing debate teams, and Ab proposed within a year of meeting Priti. They have been married for almost a decade. Though they didn’t originally intend to work together, they both ended up at legal tech company Litera for several years but in different roles. People were surprised to later learn they were married.

Currently, Ab is the Chief Revenue Officer at legal project management startup Lupl. Ab is also the podcast host at Fringe Legal. Priti is the Legal Tech Consulting Manager at Baker Hostetler’s alternative legal services provider IncuBaker. Though their roles differ, being in the same industry allows them to bounce ideas off each other. However, the blurred lines between personal and professional lives can be challenging. They try not to talk about work on vacation.

Professionally, they handle disagreements through discussion and debate thanks to their backgrounds. They present their opinions but don’t fight about them, often agreeing to disagree. Socially, they set expectations ahead of time for how long they’ll stay at events. They “divide and conquer” at conferences by networking separately but checking in.

The common reaction now is that it’s cool they work in the same industry because they understand each other’s challenges. They want to stand on their own professionally, not just be known in relation to each other. Their advice to other couples considering working together is to focus on communication and keep an open mind when sharing opinions.

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Music: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Jerry David DeCicca⁠⁠⁠⁠ and Eve Searls


Marlene Gebauer 0:05
Welcome to The Geek in Review the podcast focused on innovative and creative ideas in the legal profession. I’m Marlene Gebauer,

Greg Lambert 0:12
And I’m Greg Lambert. So Marlene, we’ve got some new music that we’ve that we twist Jerry’s arm. And actually this is kind of related because longtime listeners know that our interactions with Jerry David DeCicca are actually through Eve Searles, who works at my law firm. I hired her years ago, I think she was my first hire. And I always, always told her that we hired her because she had a band. And I thought that was cool. And I just wanted to I just wanted to hire someone cool for the position. But it turned out she’s she’s really good.

Marlene Gebauer 0:53
She also happens to be really good at what she does.

Greg Lambert 0:55
Yeah, yeah. So I reached out to Eve, a couple of weeks ago, and told her we were doing this new series. And I kind of went with hat in hand said, Hey, can you and Jerry Do you know, just a quick intro for this like a five second intro. And then it took a couple of weeks, but they finally got down into their studio and send us this. And I know it’s a little bit different than our, you know, lots of drum intros going full acoustic but I absolutely love it.

Marlene Gebauer 1:33
Yeah, I think it was first of all, thank them so much for for doing this. It was I think it was it was it’s it’s really perfect for this series that we’re doing. And, you know, I liked that they collaborated on it together. I think that’s that’s terrific too. It’s just right in theme. So.

Greg Lambert 1:54
So thank you Eve and Jerry. So we’ll be thinking Eve and Jerry at the end of every show.

Marlene Gebauer 1:58
Yes, we will.

Greg Lambert 1:59
Okay, so well for our love and legal tech feature we have with us today. Priti Saraswat to the legal tech consulting manager at Baker Hostetler and b Saraswat. Chief Revenue Officer at Lupl. So Priti, welcome to the show.

Marlene Gebauer 2:16
And Ab,

Priti Saraswat 2:17
Thanks Greg and Marlene.

Greg Lambert 2:17
Ab, welcome to the show. I wanted to give them both a chance to talk.

Priti Saraswat 2:24
He’s just here for the fun.

Greg Lambert 2:25
Yeah. And for those that are watching on on video, Priti and I have a conversation about the lovely pink Yeti microphone.

Marlene Gebauer 2:35
I thought that was so cool. I’m like, nice. It’s like she’s wearing pink too. It’s like it coordinates. I think that’s terrific.

Greg Lambert 2:47
And, again, I think everyone that’s listened to the show already knows we’re doing we’re Priti much putting a wide definition on legal tech. But I think I think our guest today kind of fit that fit for legal legal tech. So we’ll let let’s jump into the conversation. Priti let’s start with you. Can you tell us a little bit more about what you do in the legal tech industry?

Priti Saraswat 3:15
Yeah, so I realized my title is probably a bit ominous, legal tech consulting manager. What does that mean? So I work at Baker Hostetler, the national law firm. And we have, I guess what most people refer to as an alternative legal service provider or ALSP. And within that team, it’s called IncuBaker. And within that team, I lead our client delivery services. So we provide services to our clients in different areas, privacy, Legal Operations, incident response. And we are hoping to expand out in those services. But essentially, we provide services to our clients to help them through process improvement process design, implementations of software, and other things like that.

Greg Lambert 4:02
Yeah. And do you do you work with Katherine Lowry? She’s been on the show before?

Priti Saraswat 4:07
I do. She is my manager and my partner in crime. So yeah.

Greg Lambert 4:13
This is gonna be great. And Ab, you want to tell us a little bit about what you do?

Ab Saraswat 4:19
Yeah, absolutely. So my day job is I’m the Chief Revenue Officer for a startup called Lupl. And we are a project management and task management tool aimed for lawyers so helping lawyers move away from managing their work in the chaos that is Microsoft Word tables, Excel and outlook and giving them a more modern way to to basically structure work and just subdue anxiety as much as possible. And separate to that my side job which is also legal tech related is I’m the founder of Fringe Legal, which is a newsletter and podcast, where I interview founders and I guess innovators and so on top of number of people from from Baker have been on before as well as a few others that you guys might know.

Greg Lambert 5:03
We let the competition in.

Marlene Gebauer 5:06
Now you see, I was gonna I was referring to

Ab Saraswat 5:09
me if you think I am

Marlene Gebauer 5:12
That’s so funny. I was gonna say it’s like we always welcome a fellow podcaster.

Greg Lambert 5:17
Marlene is much more on nicer side.

Marlene Gebauer 5:22

Greg Lambert 5:23
Sure. And before we before we jump in, I wanted to ask you a little bit what what does a Chief Revenue Officer do? I’ve seen that title

Ab Saraswat 5:33
before. Yeah. So it depends. But at Lupl, my role is focused on managing our go to market motion. So sales and our marketing. So you know how Lupl is perceived in the world. And then the customer success part. So adoption and everything else. But generally speaking, is just making sure that you have a go to market motion. So people are buying whatever you’re selling, and then making sure that you’re using it after the fact as well, and you get a good retention and adoption.

Greg Lambert 6:05

Marlene Gebauer 6:06
Okay, so this is the most fun question, I think of the whole podcast. So I’m glad I get to ask it. How did the two of you meet? And Priti? I’ll start with you.

Priti Saraswat 6:18
Oh, gosh. So I will say he’s probably the better one at storytelling. So I may just punt this one to him. So he can make it a bit more creative than I can do justice.

Ab Saraswat 6:29
I’ll tell the nicer version of this story. When we meet for drinks in real life one time, I’ll tell you guys. We met at law school. So both Priti. and if he can detect it from my accent, I’m from the UK, that we live in the US now. And we both trained to be barristers in the UK. As part of that, we had to do a bunch of extra curriculars, which you know, everyone has to do as a student. The one that we both chose was this, this program where you go into prisons and teach prisoners how to debate to, you know, give them different skills and so on. And we met as part of that as part of the training for that at a debate club. So my joke is, you know, we met, debating and arguing with each other. And, you know, has carried on since then. I don’t think from memory, we debated and if we did, I think I might have won. But that could just be my fuzzy memory.

Priti Saraswat 7:30
We did debate together, I remember very well. And we were in a group though. So we didn’t one on one debate. But we did her we were on opposing teams. And for the life of me, I can’t remember but I’m pretty sure it was at a team that one.

Ab Saraswat 7:47
Yeah, and we met there and then just started, just started hanging out. And then one thing led to another and then many years later, we were married. But to my credit, I realized the potential in finding someone so amazing and pretty. And I proposed to her I think within the first year. So like the same, you find the right thing, you know, just

Marlene Gebauer 8:13
Can we ask, Can we ask about the proposal?

Ab Saraswat 8:17
Yeah. Story favorite. So it was very well planned and predicated on all things predictable, like the weather in the UK. So I wanted to, I wanted to have a romantic proposal, as it were, we met as the Inns of Court in the UK. And they have these beautiful gardens, you know, these sort of super old historic buildings and I had gotten access to these gardens over the weekend. I say access it makes it sound grand. They unlocked them for me. I’ll t ake it. And I had gone to I had to wait until it snowed. And I’d gone and sort of written the message in the snow to ask her to marry me. And then I learned her in under sort of false pretense that hey, I need to do a photoshoot for this thing I’m working on Can you just be in sort of hold some items for me so I can take photographs? And yeah, that’s how it went down. I had my brother actually hiding in the bushes taking photos of all of these things. So we had a record and I was like, Oh, I really hope this goes well. Thankfully it did.

Marlene Gebauer 9:27
That’s a great story. Really.

Greg Lambert 9:30
Priti did you…

Priti Saraswat 9:30
I still have the pictures to this day. I will share them with you one day.

Greg Lambert 9:35
What was it a complete surprise or did you kind of know what was happening?

Priti Saraswat 9:40
Well, he told me to turn around and hold something so I checked my back to him while he already had knelt down next to this heart that he’d done. So it was actually a surprise because I genuinely thought it was a photo shoot and at the time I was doing a lot of photography work so did not seem weird to me at all, but it was a nice surprise. I actually didn’t see my brother in law hiding behind a tree until two minutes into theproposal. He did a good job of hiding.

Greg Lambert 10:08
So how long have the two of you been married?

Nine years this year? .

Alright. So have you guys worked together? Or how is it? You know, what’s what’s kind of been some of the best things about at least working in the same profession? Ab, do you want to take that one?

Ab Saraswat 10:27
I don’t think we had plans to work together, honestly. And had you asked me this. Eight years ago, I would have said, I really don’t want to work together with my spouse. But when we moved from, so I used to work at another legal tech company called Litera, which I’m sure many of your listeners now. I was at a startup that was acquisition number one for that company. And that was what drove and moved both Priti and I from the UK to the US and initially to New York. And when we were in Litera, I obviously worked through as part of the acquisition, and then Priti got a job there. I say, got a job that we myself and a few others really had to twist her arm to come and work for us, to be honest. But she worked there. And we worked at Litera together for I think, Priti three years? Yeah, and thankfully, we did very different roles. And I remember to this day, when I obviously referred Priti and into the company, I had a call from our head of HR. And she said, I’ve just so you know, I need to make sure that you understand that she can’t report to you, and I was like, I would not want that. And

Greg Lambert 11:48
Nobody wants that.,

Ab Saraswat 11:49
Yeah, no problems whatsoever. So we we work together in the same place. But I don’t know, we didn’t never really sort of work so closely together. In fact, funnily enough, when we were in the office, and when we moved to Chicago, most people I think, didn’t even know we were married.

Priti Saraswat 12:05
So we had the same last name. But people just thought it was a very popular last name. I did not think we were even related. And we would talk to each other in the office, but everyone just thought we were good friends. So it was actually quite funny. I think maybe six months before I left. That’s when people came up to us and said, Are you guys married? And it was purely because Ab decided to put our wedding picture on his desk, which was a lovely gesture, because at that point, everyone did a double take. And they were like, isn’t that Priti? And he’s like, yeah. So they came down. We were an open plan office, and they came over, they’re like, We just saw you on AB’s desk. Yeah, sure. That’s our wedding picture. We didn’t had no idea you guys were even married. So apparently, we do professional so well, that nobody realizes we’ve been together.

Greg Lambert 12:52
Yeah, well, that’s that’s got to be pretty hard to do with social events and, you know, holiday parties? Was it? Was it a kind of a conscious decision? Or did it just do you didn’t even think about it?

Ab Saraswat 13:04
I don’t, I don’t think we thought about it, we’re also very different people. I am much more extroverted than Priti, like, probably at least a magnitude difference. And that just means that, you know, we end up having different goals and priorities when we go out for social events or just hanging out and what we’re doing. So I think it just wasn’t a conscious thing. It just worked out that way. It just worked out that we weren’t together all the time. And at that point, I was traveling a lot as well. So actually, there was a lot of time where we weren’t physically together many of these events and so on. It wasn’t until actually I think last year, you and I went to ILTAcon together for the first time ever. And that was an interesting, I did joke to a lot of people so many of whom you’re listening. That was a joke when I told the people like Oh, you guys are married, just like yeah, we got married here. Today.

Marlene Gebauer 14:06
It’s, it’s, it’s funny, because in one of our other recordings in this series, they talk a little bit about, you know, business presentation, and then you know, you know, put a private presentation and it sounds like from this story that you know, you really had the the business presentation down pat to the point that nobody even knew. You know, our original guests, Cassie and [Alex], were saying everybody else seemed to know before they did, so it’s kind of opposite that way. That’s interesting.

Greg Lambert 14:38
Cassie and Alex.

Marlene Gebauer 14:39
Alex, sorry.

Ab Saraswat 14:42
They were also it seems like you know, their their love and romance was blossoming as they were working together. You know, we had that we had that part down. We were already married at that point. And so I think that’s probably a big difference for us as well.

Greg Lambert 14:54
Yeah, you you didn’t waste any time just

Priti Saraswat 15:00
I left it all in the UK.

Marlene Gebauer 15:04
So, you know, we’re talking about like the best we were talking about the best things being, you know, in the profession together. So, you know, flipping the question, you know, what, you know, what are the most challenging things about working together as as you have and better than also sort of being in the same industry?

Ab Saraswat 15:28
Priti, you can take this one.

Priti Saraswat 15:29
It’s going to be different for both of us. I think the probably the most dealt with a difficult is, I think, the Blurred Lines, there isn’t really any difference. And I think this is probably exacerbated by the pandemic, you know, being at home as well, all the time. But really, sometimes we try as much as we can not to talk about work. But essentially, because we’re in the same industry, it’s harder to do that. So that’s what I mean by the Blurred Lines, there isn’t too much difference between professional and personal. And then again, during the pandemic, just because we were in the same space as well, it became even more blurred in that sense. But I think we’ve tried to make as much of a conscious effort not to talk about it. Definitely when we go on vacations, it’s a you can’t talk about it subject. But at home, sometimes we do and that on the flip side is actually one of the benefits because sometimes I need to use Ab as a sounding board. And I don’t really have to explain the situation because he’s either seen it or been through it. Well, he just understands because he’s in the same industry. So it has its pros and cons. But I think I prefer it to be fair, because, yeah, I think just to having someone who understands the same challenges sometimes is really good. I think sometimes if they don’t, can cause friction, too, because you have to explain it. And you’re like you don’t really understand. And even when they give you advice, it’s not quite hitting the right mark. So I don’t have to go through any of that without him.

Ab Saraswat 17:01
And I’ll say it’s, it’s probably not as easy for me because I don’t have to sort of off switch, even when we’re on vacation to be like, Okay, let’s not talk about work. I am one of those people that we’re going to vacation in, let’s say London or something like that. It’s like, oh, maybe let me just contact this firm, to see if I can have a meeting with them or have dinner with a client or a friend, because many of them are friends now. So that is much harder for me, I also, I think I internally compartmentalize that rather than sort of within, within my actions. And I think probably Priti feels a lot more of this. I’m also a techie much more of a techie, I think than she is she can correct me. But that means that especially you know, as, as new technologies, and LLM and AI, all this stuff has been happening. Unfortunately, she has been the person who gets to just hear about it constantly from me. Constantly is never ending. And I think there’s been many, many, many occasions to like, no, don’t want to hear any more about AI today. You know, developing something or playing with something. And yeah, so I think those things are just finding a balance there. But all the positives from Priti are definitely there. Because I can imagine when we talk to friends and tell them roughly what we do, people are like legal tech? So is their illegal tech as well. As I can tell you that is the number one response I get. So glad I don’t have to sort of explain any of those details to to my partner, right? That’s really important. It just makes the whole communication process so much smoother.

Priti Saraswat 18:45
I probably say not techie, I’ll say who’s more nerdy about it so.

Ab Saraswat 18:50

Priti Saraswat 18:51
We’re definitely in tech, obviously. And we have very technical jobs. But yeah, he definitely gets more in the weeds with it. And he’s definitely nods out a lot more than I do.

Greg Lambert 19:00
Yeah, Ab are you are you nerdy? Or are you geeky? Which Which do you think you are?

Ab Saraswat 19:06
I think I’m gonna take the nerdy over the geeky space on the origins of the word geek. Yeah, I just I can’t help myself as well. I joke a lot with people like you know, I’m not that technical. And I get a lot of shut the ‘F’ up responses to because I think compared to most i over time, when you can start writing in Python scripts people sort of dismissed not technical very quickly.

Greg Lambert 19:36
Yeah, yeah. So you were talking about you know, hanging out with friends and working in the the legal not illegal tech industry. So what what kind of reaction like when when you go to conferences, like you’re talking about ILTA. When you show up and you and people either figure out or you tell folks that the two of you are married, what kind of reaction do you get from others?

Ab Saraswat 20:01
I think it varies. I think there’s obviously some that know us and they’ve known us for a while. And that there it when when they do get to see us together, it’s good. I will say that because I’ve been in legal tech, quote unquote, for a bit longer than Priti has, oh, initially, when we were being introduced, it was, this is Priti, Ab’s wife. And now, I’m very glad it’s now I was at legal week, recently, and many, many people had introduced me say, Oh, this is Ab, Priti’s husband. That helps a lot. I’m so happy for that. But I think people are genuinely surprised. Probably also because I play pranks on them, as I mentioned earlier, sometimes doesn’t help. But it’s generally, I think they’re a little bit surprised. But yeah, they see us and people figure it out. I’ve had a handful of people, in fact, has happened LegalWeek, I’m not going to name the person to embarrass them. They asked me, Ab, Can I ask you something? Is Priti Saraswat, is she? Is she your wife? And I was like, yeah. Wow, did you guys, did you guys recently get married? I’m like, No. Nearly a decade. So I think we still hide it well.

Priti Saraswat 21:20
I guess I get different responses. I think mine. Ah, that’s really cool. I get more of that’s really cool, then, oh, I don’t know if I could work with my spouse, which I’ve also heard. But I think most people say it’s really cool. Because, again, from the perspective of understanding the industry, and just having someone who sees the same things, and has the same challenges I just had, a lot of people say, that’s really cool. And I would say probably to the point where we made that people at Litera, didn’t know that we weren’t necessarily married. I feel like a lot more people in the industry now. Or at least, you know, just people I speak to kind of make the connections. So I guess that’s a testament to us that they know us separately, but can also put that together. So that’s what I’ve also experienced more recently,

Greg Lambert 22:10
Well, in this podcast will be your nine year coming out story. So.

Ab Saraswat 22:15
Exactly, exactly. You know, in all seriousness, I think it for for both of us, it’s quite important that we we have similar roles, slightly different angles to and approaches to them, that we stand on our own two feet in a lot, right, we want to support each other thoroughly. But I wouldn’t want to be only known as Priti’s husband, and vice versa, I wouldn’t want her to be just known because of me. Because I think we both work really hard. And we do. You know, we have challenging roles, and that trying to bring about a lot of different impact and to own respective firms and organizations. So I think that’s really important as well, and it’s legal, so small compared to most places, that it’s easy for that line to get crossed into.

Marlene Gebauer 23:07
Okay, so second most fun question of the podcast. If, if, you know, how do you handle situations where you may not agree on how to handle a situation that you both face?

Ab Saraswat 23:23
And professionally mean? In work?

Marlene Gebauer 23:25
Yes, yes. Unless Unless you want to go further. That’s alright.

Ab Saraswat 23:33
This is turning to therapy session now. So I don’t think we’ve had issues, Priti where we’ve had to professionally agree or disagree about something, which probably is fortunate. I’d like to think we would handle it well. But I don’t think we’ve had that we’ve had to put it to the test so far. Right Priti?

Priti Saraswat 23:56
Hmm, I think there’s been a few discussions, I will say, you know, Ab kind of hit the nail on the head earlier, we’re very different. Which means we generally what I’ve noticed is we do have two different opinions about it. But I think it’s I think maybe it’s our debating background, who knows, maybe we’ve just learned to figure out how to deal with conflicts. But I think more often than not like I will share my opinion. And I’ll say this is kind of where I stand, he’ll kind of share his opinion. I think in the middle, we’ll have some similarities, like we both agree on certain areas. But ultimately, we kind of just sometimes agree to disagree, because we’re just coming at it from a different perspective. And we’ll kind of end the conversation there or we will just kind of end it out. Yeah, I see what you’re saying. And sometimes he’ll convince me to think the other way and vice versa. So we do always end up at a conclusion but yeah, to his point we don’t really fight about it. Probably a boring answer.

Marlene Gebauer 24:59
No, no, no out. It sounds like communication and discussion is very important. And that’s another theme that we are hearing across the board.

Greg Lambert 25:07
Yeah, it kind of leads into the next question, which is, and Ab, you highlighted earlier, you’re you’re pretty much an extrovert. And Priti, I think you’ll agree that you’re more on the introvert side. So when, when you’re out, either, you know, back home, or you’re out maybe together? How do you balance that? How do you know when, do you have a signal that you give when you say I’ve had enough? Like, let’s, let’s get out of here. Let’s not, let’s not continue this? How do you kind of handle that work-life balance?

Ab Saraswat 25:48
Yeah, I think, you know, it’s really funny, because I hadn’t seen Priti in that many, so just social occasions for work. Until recently, right, it’s well started opening up post COVID, and so on. And we ended up in a lot more events. And I think she, even though she’s a bit more introverted, I was, I was surprised how good she is outside sort of networking and just mingling with the crowd. And we do when we go to something together, we normally have a discussion beforehand, that okay, let’s, let’s stay until x point, and then we’ll see. So we normally said, this is the, this is the agreed upon limit, unless we’re both having so much fun. And unless we do that, and then we can decide, and that just helps a lot, because and usually, it’s not so much that it’s an extrovert introvert thing, it’s, we, you know, is the end of a long day, often, and it’s like, okay, how long do we want to be outside? This is already a 14 hour day now, how much more energy do we have to give? So that helps tremendously. I don’t, sometimes we have signals, I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna give away a secret signals here. Sometimes you have signals too, but generally speaking, it’s the discussion ahead of time,

Priti Saraswat 27:12
Well, will go up to each other and will say, I think I’m gonna leave. So for example, again, as I’ve said, you know, I haven’t been in too many social situations, but ILTACon is probably a really good example. And we kind of want this up party. So sometimes we do do things separately. So I think there was one evening, I know, app went up before me. And so I just stayed, and I and I had more conversations. So sometimes we will just decide to kind of do our own thing as well, because we realized we were representing different companies, we’re coming at it from a different angle. And we’re networking in different ways. So sometimes, we will just kind of divide and conquer, if you will, right, and go our separate ways. And then as I’ve said other times, usually it’s one of us will go to the other one and say, you know, I’ve kind of had enough. Where are you at? At this point? Do you want to leave? And if we do, then we will otherwise, one of us will say I think I want to stay on. But if we go into a place where it’s not like ILTACon, you can’t just have a room to go to then yeah, we probably will make a judgment call at that point.

Ab Saraswat 28:18
We talk a lot.

Marlene Gebauer 28:22
So I’m kind of shifting back to the business angle. So what are the interesting things that the two of you are both working on now? And Ab, I’ll start with you?

Ab Saraswat 28:34
Yeah, so most of my time, energy spent on Lupl. So just building that out where, you know, as I mentioned, we’re a startup, we’ve been commercial for about two years. So we’re very much sort of hitting the hitting the ground running. So we’ve been busy just trying to make people aware of what we do, and trying to just get the value prop in front of people as much as possible. So at some point, I think Marlene, you and I have spoken before, for sure. Last year. But yeah, and that’s a big part of my focus. And what little time I have, I then spent tinkering with legal tech, speaking to founders, and just exploring what’s out there. So that’s just learning a lot. To be honest, I enjoy having conversations like these and just seeing what people are working on and building things every now and then. But no one should ever hire me as a developer, though. That’s a big mistake.

Marlene Gebauer 29:31
Priti, what are you working on?

Priti Saraswat 29:34
Oh, well, as I mentioned, by being part of an ALSP there’s always things moving. I think a lot of work that we do is based on the market. So really, whatever is grooving in the market is where we are also creating services for. So more recently, we’ve done a lot around privacy. For those of you that don’t know privacy regulations just keep on coming, especially if you’re in The US, there’s a different state every few months. So, yeah, we’ve been definitely busy over there. And then just really, as I said, anything that’s within them in the industry. So of course, if we would be wrong, not to mention Gen AI, I have seen those things. And there are other members in my team that work more, more focused on this area. But yeah, we are kind of just moving with the trends and what’s in the market. So kind of helping clients wherever they need that help, is the most exciting thing I’m doing that day.

Greg Lambert 30:35
So it’s good to have that flexibility to be able to meet those needs as they change. So, in our normal podcast episodes, we asked her a crystal ball question, and we’ve kind of morphed it into. I know we’re past Valentine’s Day, but we’ll still call it the St. Valentine’s question. And Priti I’ll throw this to you first. What advice would you give another couple who are considering working in the same field or working together in the same business? You know, what, what advice would you give?

Priti Saraswat 31:10
Don’t let the devil get you. No, I’m kidding. No, probably communication. As we’ve kind of established, actually, probably, I would say, I probably really realized this from preparing for this podcast. But I think it sounds like communication is key, I definitely think that you shouldn’t be afraid to be in the same industry. It can be quite empowering, having your partner be in a similar industry. But I also understand a lot of people don’t feel comfortable with that, because they want that kind of divide between personal and professional. But I think it’s really up to the couple, if you kind of focus on that. And you know that that’s something that you want to keep divided, then you can work through it. And so similarly, if you know that you want to blur the lines a little bit, or kind of use that person as a sounding more, then you can do that as well. So as long as the two of you know where to find that balance, I definitely don’t think anyone should be afraid. And there are definitely positives to having your partner be in the same industry for sure.

Greg Lambert 32:14
Ab, what about you?

Ab Saraswat 32:16
I think for me, I like the axiom”strong opinions loosely held.” And I think that’s probably no more important than in personal relationships, especially if you’re going to be working with that person and spending a lot of time with that individual as well. And that just means that you’re able to sort of go in, put your case forward and but at least have an open mind enough that you might sort of leave the door. And I think that’s, you know, for, for us, we don’t work directly together, but we’re in the same house. We’re a room apart right now. And it’s important that we can sort of go in and say, Okay, this is this is what my position is. And actually being very explicit, sometimes just saying, Look, I just need to vent or I just need to be able to share something or get feedback. Rather than okay, I’m going to tell you something, tell me what you think, you know, sometimes I frankly, don’t care what somebody else thinks I just need to get it off my chest. And I want to trust someone to be able to do that. And it’s challenging, especially because we’re not ever sharing anything that’s sensitive, confidential, and sort of, you know, something we’re not able to share. But we can still talk about the situation because there’s not too many people. As I mentioned, if I try and talk to other people who are outside of industry, they don’t understand. And so the new answers don’t quite make sense. So yes, just having that person to go to makes a big difference. But you got to go in there with open mind most of the time.

Greg Lambert 33:53
Awesome. Well, AB and Priti Saraswat. I want to thank you both for coming on The Geek in Review and sharing your love and legal tech story. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Ab Saraswat 34:04
Thanks for having us.

Priti Saraswat 34:06

Marlene Gebauer 34:06
And of course, thanks to all of you, our listeners for taking the time to listen to The Geek in Review podcast. If you enjoy the show, share it with a colleague. We’d love to hear from you. So reach out to us on social media. I can be found on LinkedIn or on X at @gebauerm and on Threads at @mgebauer66

Greg Lambert 34:24
and I can be reached on LinkedIn or you can find me on X glambertpod or threads at glambertpod.

Marlene Gebauer 34:33
And what I know we have we have to give credit.

Greg Lambert 34:38
No, no, no. No. Ab and Priti.

Marlene Gebauer 34:41
Sorry. Jumping. I’m jumping ahead. I’m so excited about the music. We’ve

Greg Lambert 34:46
only been doing this for six years. We’re still learning. We are a podcast startup. So Ab, if somebody wanted to learn more about you or Lupl, where would be a good place to look?

Ab Saraswat 34:59
if you want to connect with me on LinkedIn is the best place you can search for Ab Saraswat, you’ll find me and if you want to learn more about Lupl L U P L, is the best place.

Greg Lambert 35:10
And Priti, how about you?

Priti Saraswat 35:12
Yeah, again, LinkedIn can find me under Priti Saraswat. I’m the one with the bright green background so you can’t miss me on LinkedIn

Marlene Gebauer 35:20
That’s a great background.

Priti Saraswat 35:23
Thank you. Or at You can also find me on the professional section I’m Priti Saraswat.

Marlene Gebauer 35:31
And we want to thank Eve Searles and Jerry David DeCicca for our music.

Greg Lambert 35:36
Yeah, thanks Eve and Jerry. All right. Thanks, everyone.

Marlene Gebauer 35:39
Thank you

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