My good friend, Mark Gediman told me many times that he designs his competitive intelligence (CI) reports like a children’s book. A big picture… and a little bit of text. It seems that attorneys have about the attention span of a child when it comes to reading CI reports, so this makes perfect sense to me. So, when I saw a review of “How to Publish a Children’s Book with StoryJumper” on, I thought I’d uncovered the motherload of CI reporting tools, and immediately had to test it out. As luck would have it, I listened to the podcast interview this morning of Mark Medice explaining the Hildebrandt Baker Robbins Q4 Peer Monitor Index (PMI) and definitely thought this, of course, would make a great children’s book!!
With my idea in my head, a PDF of the report in hand, a free account to, and a CD-ROM full of clipart I bought at a used book store, I was ready to make my first children’s attorney’s book!
The process wasn’t entirely smooth, but for something that I really only spend about 90 minutes on total (if that…) it was a lot of fun to do. I showed the finished product to Mark Gediman and he seemed to like the fact that it was only a 15 page children’s book that wouldn’t tax most attorneys he knows. I’m sure that there are a lot better story writers out there than me… so, next time you have to give a report to a group of attorneys, give this a try. It might get them to pay attention and even learn a thing or two to take back to their office and share with the other children attorneys. Click on one of the images to see my masterpiece!!