Last week, I poked a little at some BigLaw blogs that had seemingly died from neglect. The posting got some attention around the Blogosphere, and over the next couple of days I got some phone calls and emails from some of the firms I listed as having “dead” or “dying” blogs. The general consensus from those that contacted me was “Crap!” and “Geez, Greg… you should see them scrambling around here to bring these blogs back to life!” So, I thought that after a week or so, I’d go back through the list to see which ones hit their blogs with the “defibrillator paddles” and brought them back to life. And — viola — there were a couple!!
- Blank Rome’s Maryland Intellectual Property Law blog posted, not once, but twice since my list came out!
- Holland & Hart’s Climate Change Law Blog found its way back from a 2 1/2 month hiatus and posted on December 10th.
As it turns out, neither of these blogs were from the people that contacted me right after the initial list came out. Hopefully, this means that there will be more that will come back from the grave.
Some other updates
- Nixon Peabody’s Financial Recovery Blog is now a password protected site. Maybe they decided that it could only live if placed behind the protection of a firewall??
- Saul Ewing’s Climate Change blog now points to one of those generic “we’re sitting on your URL name, but will sell it to you for enough money if you want it back” sites. It was also removed from their list of publications from their website.