Back in the wild cyber-space days of the early 1990s the metaphors we used to describe our online tools were thrilling. We used web-browsers called Navigator or Explorer, we found our way in the real world using MapQuest, and we searched for content along the information super-highway using engines called Magellan, AltaVista, or Northern Light.
technology history

Go Ahead, Check Your Email — That's What Libraries Are For
By Greg Lambert on
During their Livestream show last week, Tegan and Sara (Canadian Indie Band… and identical twin sisters) were asked a question about what life was like on the road during their first tour in the 1990’s. One of the first things they mentioned was how hard it was to communicate while on the road, and how…
Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn, Oh My!
By Lisa Salazar on
Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn, Oh My!
View more presentations from Lisa Salazar.
Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn, Oh My!
March 11-12, 2011
First, before I begin, I would like to thank Saskia Melhorn for asking me to speak here at the joint Houston Area Law Librarian/SouthWest Area Law Librarian Meeting. I spoke here two years…