Above The Law received an internal memo from Foley & Lardner’s CEO, Jay Rothman dated back on August 6th that announced the Foley’s Records Department would be outsourced to Williams Lea, a business process outsourcing company. To those inside the world of law firm records departments, this may or may not be a surprise
records management
Elephant Post: The Last 10 Years Have Really Changed _________!!

Elephant Post: What Are Your “Other” Predictions for 2011?
Many of us have already seen a few projections of what will happen in the legal industry this year. Most of those predictions are “yawners” (such as Richard Susskind’s prediction of firms adopting more social media, adopting cloud-based apps, and using tablets… which Toby labeled as Susskind “jumping the shark” on his predictions.)…

Elephant Post: What Do You Spend A Lot of Time, Money and Effort On That Just Isn't Worth It?
Tell us something that you spent a lot of money on, support and promote, but just isn’t worth all the money, time and effort?
This question popped up at one of our “Curry and a Pint Nights” and the group started calling out programs, technology, outsourced materials, and even people as examples. When I asked…

The Elephant Series: When Does Culture Trump Innovation?
When does your firm’s culture trump potential innovations you want to put in front of them?
Idea came from a quote in Craig Roth’s Knowledge Forward post, Technology After Culture? Not in a Million Years.
So basic technology evolved before the basic social construct – the family? No wonder I still encounter people spending