In my last post, I made a particularly provocative assertion that the Legal KM community was primarily made up of lawyers and that their being lawyers clouded their interpretation of KM in a legal environment so that they were missing the KM needs of at least 50% of the firm, specifically, the staff. I

While I was going through law school, I worked a side job for the university as a mainframe programmer/analyst. It was a fun job, and I worked with some extremely intelligent people. One of my co-workers used to have a saying that he used all the time whenever we’d decide that we needed to “create

In the past decade, we have probably had a Century’s worth of change going on. Whether it is boarding a plane, reading a book, or reading an email, things just don’t look like they did in 2001 in many cases. If Moore’s Law states that technology doubles every 18 months, then the technology of 2011

A few weeks ago I wrote a post attempting to define KM. It was simplistic and possibly naïve, but you have to start somewhere. Since then, I’ve come to realize that beyond a conceptual understanding of KM, you shouldn’t waste too much time trying to define it. The search for a single definition that

Mary Abraham at Above and Beyond KM suggests that “the current approach to legal research is fundamentally flawed”, and should be turned on its head. While lawyers skills rests within their ability to negotiate, write, analyse and advise, the way Westlaw and Lexis (Wexis) research is conducted, it turns the process in to “a frustrating

We’ve all probably sat through those “60 Apps in 60 Minutes” programs at a conference and watched as a bevy of applications flew past us on the screen. Those are cool, but what how many of those do we actually use when we get back to our office? So, we’ve asked you to share with

A wise man once said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”. Today I’m introducing my own corollary to that maxim. “Sometimes it’s worth the risk of proving you’re a fool in the hope that you might learn something from the backlash.”