Episode 2 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is exactly the kind of show that we want to cover her on the SuperHuman Law Division Podcast! Jen Walters finds herself without a job after GLK/H got a mistrial ruling. (Joshua predicted a mistrial in Ep. 1.) After applying at numerous law firms and being less and less picky about where she lands a job, she heads back to the Legal Ease bar to drown her sorrows. And that’s where her former advisory Holden Holliway offers her a job. She can bring her paralegal Nikki with her, but the deal is that Holliway wants She-Hulk as the face of the SuperHuman Law Division, not Jennifer.

So we cover lots of BigLaw issues in this episode:

  • Six-Figure Student Loan Debts
  • Can Holliway demand Jen stay in She-Hulk form?
  • Maps to the best bathrooms for pooping.
  • Conflicts and Conflict Waivers
  • Parole Hearings
  • So.Much.More…

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We’d like to hear from our listeners on what issues you spotted, and what did we get wrong? Do you have a real-life SuperHuman Lawyer or Legal Professional that you’d like us to mention?

Contact us at @glambert@JoshuaLenon, or @SuperHumanPod and let us know what you think!

Stay Super Everybody!!


Greg Lambert  0:19

So imagine running a superhuman law division of a law firm. That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about here. And we’re going to start off the series by reviewing the new She Hulk Attorney at Law on Disney+. So let’s dive into episode two of superhuman law division. I’m Greg Lambert, and alongside with my superhuman law division co counsel, Joshua Lenon. Joshua, it’s good to see you.

Joshua Lenon  0:45

It is good to be here. Greg, thank you so much for having me.

Greg Lambert  0:48

So while you’re… I mean, this is as much yours as it is mine is just I get to talk first, I guess. So, speaking of first, last week, we both made a few projections on some things that we thought were gonna happen on the show. And it turned out I was completely wrong. And you knocked it out of the park, at least on one thing, which was, you said the case that Jennifer Walters was prosecuting would result in a mistrial. And I think you are right, you want to want to just start us off there.

Joshua Lenon  1:18

Absolutely. So at the end of the last episode, we saw that superhuman influencer, Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana, and

Greg Lambert  1:29


Joshua Lenon  1:29

Titania, thank you, yeah, had burst into the courtroom, in a fit of rage was about to crush the jury. And so Jen Walters transformed into her She-Hulk persona, and saved everyone yay. At which point, the her opposing counsel behind the scenes went and filed for a mistrial, saying that the very fact that she saved the lives of the jury would have undue influence on them. Such they couldn’t separate the arguments of the trial from the fact that one lawyer saved their life. And while this seems like a bit of a stretch, mistrials happen every day, it’s a procedural event that happens when something outside of the courts influence is having an impact. And it could be, for example, that your jury is reading social media about your trial when they’ve been explicitly warned not to, or that there’s some type of contact, improper contact between the parties and the jury. And so anytime you have something like that, there’s a procedural rule where a one side can say, hey, this isn’t a fair trial anymore. And the judge agrees a mistrial is declared. What’s interesting about it is winning the mistrial motion doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve won the trial. It just means that you now get a second trial, a new trial with a new jury without that undue influence. And that’s what’s going to happen to this company. The benefit to them is, with a mistrial motion, that they now kind of get a second chance, right, they get to see what arguments were brought out by Jen Walters side, they get to see if they thought those arguments were persuasive to the jury, and maybe come up with a new approach. Although there are some things that won’t change. There are certain bits of evidence that they won’t get to bring in because they might have already been excluded by order in the prior trial. So it’s all gamesmanship, and we’ll see that a lot, I think in this series.  But it was definitely one that was just immediately apparent. Once we saw that in the first episode.

Greg Lambert  3:40

Yeah, definitely a lot of gamesmanship from especially from the GLK&H. Lawyers. That seems to to be their MO for how they represent their clients. And

Joshua Lenon  3:53

Yeah, win on the technicalities.

Greg Lambert  3:55

Well, they’re definitely if you’re on trial, those are the guys you want in your corner.

Joshua Lenon  3:59


Greg Lambert  4:01

So one of the first things that I noticed the show was that there was a bar, an attorney themed bar called Legal Ease. And so what did you think of the bar there?

Joshua Lenon  4:16

First, it was a great pun. So legalease, is how we talk about the fancy formal language that lawyers often use, especially in written form.

Greg Lambert  4:27


Joshua Lenon  4:29

yeah, exactly. But sometimes, sometimes that language is important, not all the time. And then the bar itself was named Legal…  Ease as in like, take it easy. I found that it would be a great pun. There are kind of often locations where lawyers might congregate, and those tend to be around courthouses. They’re the center of many towns, but they’re also the center of a lot of the legal proceedings that happen. If you’re not in your office, you’re in the courthouse. And so we do often see businesses related to lawyers around courthouses. It could be a bar like the legal ease, it could be supply stores, like in Canada, for example, lawyers have a very specific dress code, they appear wearing a certain type of robe. And so there are stores around the courthouse here in Vancouver that actually cater to lawyer clothing and other lawyer paraphernalia that is required as a part of the rules up here.

Greg Lambert  5:34

I was joking with some folks around here that if I were to open up a Legal Ease type bar, it would have to also be a karaoke bar. Because I don’t know if the lawyers you work with, but all the ones I work with seem to flock to the karaoke bars, so drinks and karaoke

Joshua Lenon  5:53

litigators love attention. There used to being kind of front and center on stage.

Greg Lambert  5:57

That is true, I guess I hadn’t thought about that. But anytime you can give them a microphone, they will take it right. So while at the bar, there was a common thing that you hear from a lot of, especially younger lawyers, and that was Jennifer notes that she racked up some six figures in student loans. And you know, one of the articles I’ve read recently was the announcement that I think it was Columbia Law School in New York, is now over $100,000 a year for tuition and expenses. So it’s not just in not just private schools, my alma mater, which is a public school at University of Oklahoma, when I started, it was the 28 years ago in 1994. Law school was $100 per credit hour. And currently, I found out it’s something like eight and a half times that amount. So law school is pricey.

Joshua Lenon  7:00

Law school is very, very expensive. If we look at the ABA’s Model of the Legal Profession, we see that most law students are coming out with six figure law school debt, the 100k tuition you’re talking about for Columbia, that doesn’t include living expenses. Yeah. And most law schools actually do not allow law students to work for at least their first year of law school. So we see that a lot of law students end up with a huge amount of debt. And so things that popped out later in the episode to me about that was the disparity. In the types of law firms that we saw just little tiny glimpses of, and how a lot of them do not have the jobs and compensation that supports a six figure student loan debt. So it’s actually a real problem that we have lawyers are struggling under debt load, and an industry that’s not really set up to carry that debt load for the requirements that we’re imposing on law students, every every class every year.

Greg Lambert  8:07

So because of the mistrial, poor Jennifer gets fired as a prosecutor, which I think was completely unfair, is it she said, Was I supposed to deal with that table crushed the the jury? But and you mentioned that in the subsequent interviews that she did, in trying to find new employment, that you just slowly see the type of law firm the style go down? And


There was something that I had a few weeks ago, we did an interview with Kerry Benn from Law360. And she talked about the summer associates and just the amount of pay range that they have, which some actually volunteer and some get the equivalent of like, $200,000 a year for their time. So there’s a big disparity in what lawyers can make a year. And I think the average here in Texas is something like 90k.

Joshua Lenon  9:08

Wow, just for a summer associate for three months? That’s amazing.

Greg Lambert  9:12

No, I’m talking about a salary for a full time lawyer, on average in Texas is $90,000 a year. So it’s, it’s not necessarily the job to go into if you think you’re going to be, you know, super rich.

Joshua Lenon  9:26

Yeah, yeah. Unfortunately, there’s a huge disparity. We call it the bimodal distribution of salaries for lawyers, were lawyers in big law, which is what we call like, the biggest law firms is oftentimes hundreds of thousands of dollars even before you make partner. And then there are the lawyers in small solo and smaller firms where the average salary is closer to $60,000. And those polls and salary distribution is something that not a lot of people know about lawyers and it does impact that type of services that you can get from a lawyer where they are on those salaries. And so as Jennifer is interviewing for a new job, we see she’s in the white shoe law firm with a big office and all the fancy art on the wall. And then it, it kind of has some signals that you can see that she’s moving maybe a little bit down the income stream, where now they have a bunch of law books. Still, they’ve got a library, right, but they’re looking good. And then it jumps to a wall behind her of file cabinets. So they don’t even have the space in their law firm to have their own file cabinet room. It’s in the lawyer’s office. And then they jump below that, and it’s very clear that she’s in someplace that that might be struggling a little bit, the lighting looks bad.

Greg Lambert  10:49

Looks kind of like a basement.

Joshua Lenon  10:51

Yeah, it looks kind of like a basement in terms of the lighting and the wall. And there are loose papers and banker boxes Ever. Which I gotta be honest, every law firm is going to have that it’s just whether or not you can hide it. And so just watching those those subtle signals, as she was interviewing was apparent to me that these people do know that different law firms exist. They operate in a whole different classes of income streams and the people they service. And they were trying to bring that out in the subtlest of ways.

Greg Lambert  11:23

So she does end up going back to the Legal Ease bar by herself after being fired and, and then being told that she can’t get a job because she’s a super human, and they don’t need that distraction. And then, lo and behold, she runs into Mr. Holliway from GLK and H and is offered a job, specifically because she is a superhuman. So I guess if you can’t find them, join them. Right?

Joshua Lenon  11:53

Yeah. And the offer itself is really interesting. We definitely know that Holliway has a very interesting approach to employee management. He does not seem to be empathetic to Jennifer’s dire straits with their student loans and not having a job and clearly has designs on utilizing her for his own benefit. She she’s a tool that he plans to use. And so there are certain things that he’s actually doing to her, that might be indicative of a big law partner. Big law partners make their money often by leveraging younger attorneys. And then the younger attorneys work is charged at a certain hundreds of dollars per hour. Some of that is pocketed by the partner. We call that profit per partner. It’s a really important metric in big law firms. Then some of it’s used to pay like the salary of the younger lawyer, etc, etc. But it oftentimes creates this view, from law firm partners, that junior associates, those younger lawyers are tools, they’re disposable. There’s always a class of lawyers that you can hire, right? Coming out of law school. And it definitely creates an odd power dynamic that oftentimes can be really toxic. And so it’s interesting to see how that plays out. When you have a lawyer with Jennifer’s really unique abilities that you’re trying to leverage, right? Is she going to be somebody who is so talented, so unique, so media friendly, that she could just walk? Yeah. And will that change the dynamic in the future? There are a couple of requirements that are being imposed on Jennifer Walters as a part of this job. The first of which is they want her to be in her She Hulk persona. As a part of this. Legally speaking, I was trying to figure out like, what’s at play here? And one of the the interesting things about this narrative of She Hulk is that she is in part a Hulk because of her unique genetic background. She’s the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Hulk, they have some apparently some similar unique genetic traits that enable them to hulk out. So are we running into the genetic information privacy issues that exist within the United States? And then you can’t require the disclosement of that there are certain storage requirements around that? Does it feed into the Americans with Disabilities Act, and there are certain things about a person’s health that you aren’t allowed to ask or make conditional as a part of offering somebody a job? Well, at the same time, medical conditions can be a legitimate reason for somebody not to be hired, right? If a job for example, requires standing for several hours a day the ability to lift a certain amount of weight, and somebody unfortunately cannot do that, it could be that they’re not the right fit for a job, there’s no way to reasonably accommodate them. I can’t think of a lawyer role that requires you to be like seven foot tall, green and can benchpress a boulder. But if anybody can come up with it, I bet it’s Holliway.

Greg Lambert  15:17

Yeah, the only the only parallel that I could even kind of come up with was, let’s say somebody can either use crutches or a wheelchair. And being told, while you’re here, you can only use crutches because we want you stand and we want you standing, we want we want you to present in a different way. And so that’s that’s kind of what I was drawing a parallel to. But I don’t know that. I mean, a good lawyer could shoot a big hole right through that. I’m sure.

Joshua Lenon  15:50

There’s there’s definitely that there’s another one that we could take a look at. And that’s jobs that have an imposed dress code. Hmm, true. And so there’s a lot of case law on like retail industries, restaurants, for example, that have a dress code for their employees. And it’s part of the branding for the restaurant, right? We have either our servers dressed in a certain costume. You can think of them being done in like a fancy level or also being done somewhat exploitive level, right. But the case law is very clear if we are consistent on imposing the dress code across employees. It’s not necessarily exploitative. Now, the problem we’re seeing with Jen Walters is there’s only one She Hulk. So imposing a dress code of big and green on her. Is that something that’s been done consistently throughout the law firm? That might be an issue that she could exploit at some point in determining whether or not she just wants to be that way all the time?

Greg Lambert  16:58

Yeah, yeah. Well, as they were walking through and and as Mr. Holliway was apparently saying something that is probably going to come back and bite Jennifer in her green rump later in the season. As they were walking through, did you see the research library? That was there?

Joshua Lenon  17:18

I saw it, I knew that you would bring this up.

Greg Lambert  17:22

I love that. So yeah, immediately, just like I did with the bookshelf last week, where I went through and I looked and tried to identify as many things as I could. Same thing. I did a screenshot as they walked past the Law Library, which, which actually is referenced a lot in the comic books, is that their research/Law Library is actually made up of comic books, because in the Marvel Universe, comic books are actual kind of historical representation of things that have happened with superhumans.

Joshua Lenon  17:59

They’re licensed material, right? So they’re kind of like mini autobiographies.

Greg Lambert  18:03

Exactly. Exactly. So if you saw into the spider verse, there was a little bit of it there. Where is one Spider Man was was coming yet coming out, there was the Spider Man comic books that basically paralleled what he was going through. And so there were a lot of people that were also looking at that collection, and you see a number of things from, it’s really a lot of the things that you would expect, because with the MCU, they’re very good about keeping a storyline going. So apparently, there were things that lots of Scarlet Witch So Wanda was there, Captain America, Iron Man Thor, I believe there was a Moon Knight issue. So it basically just parallels the only thing and I couldn’t make it out myself. But someone pointed out or thought that they saw up on the top shelf of that was a Squirrel Girl comic book, which is not a character that’s been out yet. But is is a good friend of Ms. Marvel In the comics storylines. Yeah, comic storylines. So it would make sense that down the road and Phase Five or six that we will see Squirrel Girl, which is a fun character.

Joshua Lenon  19:24

Yeah, definitely a lighthearted romp, and all of her different storylines. So and and that’s actually one of the things that I enjoy about these these four color comic universes, as you can tell. He’s like amazing expansive tales, right. alien invasions in New York. And then you can have these lighthearted romps where somebody has the proportionate strength of a squirrel and a tail, and how does she get through her day?

Greg Lambert  19:51

Love it.

Joshua Lenon  19:52

There’s room for all of those stories and and She-Hulk is kind of where they come together in one place.

Greg Lambert  19:57

Yeah, yeah. So as we’re walking through, we See Jennifer’s office,

Joshua Lenon  20:02


Greg Lambert  20:03

Oh, man, there would be people that I know that would kill to have that corner office because that’s something that well, I guess she is, quote unquote, the practice group leader of the superhuman law division. So practice group leaders tend to get corner offices. Was there anything in the office that popped up to you,

Joshua Lenon  20:22

you know, a lot of it was just space to be perfectly honest. Space is at a premium. When it comes to law firms, they actually spend more per employee for space than almost every other professional industry. And so the stats are pretty staggering. Something like $900 per square foot in an office space, which is anybody who follows corporate real estate is like, wow, that is way too much. And yet, for law firms operating in the GLK/H environment, right, the presentation is often part of the service. It gives a sense of prestige to your client, it gives a sense of well being to know that they’ve hired these high price attorneys on behalf of them. And so we talk about game theory and gamesmanship a lot, but we’re gonna see that a lot of the practice of law both in the courtroom and outside of it is how do you handle yourself? And I think that’s going to continue there. Yeah. What did you see in there that jumped out at you?

Greg Lambert  21:31

So that one was, yeah, same with you the the size of it? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone that has a cooler in their office that doesn’t have some kind of liquor in it instead of just the spring water that that was there that may that may be Disney+ kind of thing.

Joshua Lenon  21:53

Could be a Disney influence. It could be that there. Jen has her own budget with which to stock Yeah, and it hasn’t been done yet. For right.

Greg Lambert  22:02

True. Speaking of budget, she did talk about because she is she has to be in She Hulk form. She has to budget now for a whole new wardrobe. So but Nikki, her paralegal who she got to come over with her, that was one of her. And in fact, it may have been the only demand that she had in taking the job, which Holliway said he could care less who her paralegal was another instance of his management style. He’s, he’s what some people would call the big picture leader that he’s he doesn’t care about the little stuff. He cares about the big stuff.

Get it on my desk.

Exactly. But the fact that he had had on the phone had fired one person and then reassigned another person to Minneapolis, because they hate the cold also shows you what kind of what kind of leader he is.

Joshua Lenon  22:55

Not a lot of empathy.

Greg Lambert  22:57

Yeah, I think he’s a throwback to the pre 2008 Law Firm leaders. And so the so when we had the big recession, in 2008, there was a push for a, you know, a gentler hand in leadership in large law firms than had been to that point. And so and I think, I think you’re seeing that in leadership now.

Joshua Lenon  23:26

I think so it’s actually a bit of a self own. But what we saw in 2008, is a lot of law firms just did some some pretty indiscriminate firing of lower level positions. And what happened was, there was nobody then kind of rising through the ranks of experience, to become the next generation of replacement partners. And law firms really do operate on this cycle of bringing in fresh blood, some of them become rainmakers, they create business, and those rainmakers then kind of carry the rest of the law firms to the partners who are sucking up that profit. When we hit the point a couple years later, after the Great Recession, where there was nobody coming up into partner because they had fired all their young lawyers, law firms really had to start thinking about how do we create a law firm that can continue. And so we’re seeing changes in office use, we’re seeing changes in mentorship and training, and we’re seeing changes in hiring practices. And all of those things have been carried forward now into the pandemic era where work from home now became a part of law firm operations, and we’re going to keep seeing it.

Greg Lambert  24:39

So before we leave the office, I wanted to point out the gifts that pug, their fellow attorney and the superhuman law division brings them a gift basket for the office. Now one of them is either a real gift or it’s just a common thing that litigators have, which is the See you later litigator mug shows back up in that gift basket, I’m going to step out on a ledge here. And the thing I really want to talk about is the map to the best bathrooms to poop in. So

Joshua Lenon  25:16

yeah, that jumped out at me is a really odd thing to give, like a new colleague.

Greg Lambert  25:21

Yeah. Well, and especially to women, I, you know, coming from a man to women, it’s not something I would do. Yeah, I totally, it’s one of those things where if you have to ask if this is appropriate, then it’s not and don’t do it, which is, you know, words to live by in a law firm. If you have to ask somebody if this is appropriate, just don’t do it. Just yeah. But since he did, let’s talk about it. And so here’s my thoughts on that. And that is, for someone who has worked in large law firms for the for almost 20 years. Now, this is a high stress environment. And when you need to go poop, you don’t want people around you. So my guess is, this is the quiet bathroom off in the corner somewhere that clients don’t go to. So I think, you know, there’s, there’s certain things you just don’t want clients to hear.

Joshua Lenon  26:18

I can understand that maybe far away from the partners you’re interacting with as well. Right. And so you’re less likely to have an awkward conversation to or from your place of business.

Greg Lambert  26:28

Yep. And you don’t want somebody recognizing your shoes later.

Joshua Lenon  26:32

So exactly.

Greg Lambert  26:34

So what were your thoughts on that? Was there anything that popped up?

Joshua Lenon  26:38

Oh, well, I was wondering if they were actually trying to set the new colleague up as somebody who does have issues with social grace, maybe right, and what might be the reason behind that, and then we get to discuss a different type of diversity within law firm environments. So because it’s such an odd, standout moment of communication that really felt like they were trying to set something up for later with that new colleague.

Greg Lambert  27:06

Yeah, it was really interesting at how appreciative that Jen and Nikki looked for having that map.

Joshua Lenon  27:12

Yeah, yeah. Which, admittedly, a new office. Yeah, you’re gonna need to know where to go. When it’s time to go.

Greg Lambert  27:19

There are just certain internal politics and functions that you that you want to know about. So hopefully, we didn’t we didn’t cross a TMI line there. But I thought it would be kind of fun to talk about that. Do you want to jump into the Emil Blonsky case? The Abomination. Absolutely.

Joshua Lenon  27:36

Yeah. So it does seem like they are sending up she hoped to be like a continuing procedural. So it’s not going to be the case of the week, but some ongoing cases, this person was starting out as Emil Blonsky, which is interestingly, a callback to character from a much earlier Marvel movie, kind of before they set up the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yeah. And so the fact that they’re kind of bringing in or retconning, this character into the current continuity, was kind of fun. And so this character is a gamma irradiated, super powered individual, just like Hulk and She Hulk. And in his case, his super name is the abomination. He has been incarcerated in a very strict prison environment for I’m not sure the number of years that they’ve mentioned. And he’s now looking for parole. So to be released under his own recognizance. And there are a couple of issues that popped up as a part of this one. Can Jennifer Walters represents someone who is in jail, in part because they attacked a family member of hers? Is this a conflict of interest? So technically, this is not a conflict of interest under the ethical rules, she does not necessarily have information about the interaction that led to the incarceration. She could write, she could have had like backroom discussions with her cousin, the hawk on what happened and why it happened. But we don’t have that background. But what was interesting is they brought up the the issue of conflict waiver, and this does exist, and that is a client who knows that a lawyer or a law firm has a conflict of interest, can choose to waive their objections to that conflict of interest. So importantly, and this is what they didn’t include, is oftentimes it’s recommended that that client get a second opinion from an independent lawyer in order to ensure that they are informed when giving consent to this conflict waiver. We don’t necessarily see that happening. And so it could still be an issue in the future is Emile Blonsky waiving the conflict of interest without giving informed consent, I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think there’s a reason all of these individuals are coming together. And we’ve yet to see it emerge within the story itself. But I think they want Jen Walters there for a reason, beyond the conflict of interest. And so they’re just gonna ignore that whole point. Yeah.

Greg Lambert  30:27

And since I deal with conflicts in my day to day job, one of the things that is interesting here that you don’t get normally in a large law firm environment is usually there’s an opposing side. So I’m talking about conflicts, the conflicts tend to be one side against the other, either, we’ve represented both sides, and we need to get both sides to agree to waive that, if they think it’s in their best interest. But here, there’s just one party, and the conflict is internal with the lawyer themselves. And so Jennifer brings it up, which she should lawyers, whenever they have a conflict, they have the legal duty to identify that conflict, and do whatever it is that they need to do, whether that’s creating an ethical wall that bars them from knowing anything about that if their firm represents them, or it’s doing anything that would relieve the parties involved to understand one, there’s a conflict, here’s what we’re here’s what we’re gonna do about it. And of course, the parties themselves, just like with most things in America, you can contract your way into anything. And basically, by signing a waiver, you sign a contract with the other parties that says, We understand that and we are waiving our right to bring this up as an issue later on. It’s something that’s very common in large law firms, just because we represent so many clients that we have entire teams dedicated to the conflicts process for us is both looking at the clients themselves, and the matters that they’re bringing. And then one other thing that we do with conflicts here is whenever we hire somebody, we also run conflicts, because when you bring somebody in, you bring everything with them. Well, their conflicts. Yeah, exactly. Just conflict sounds mundane and boring. But it can be very interesting at times.

Joshua Lenon  32:30

Whole bunch of paperwork. Every time. Yes. Yeah.

Greg Lambert  32:35

So the matter itself is a again, you mentioned that it is a parole hearing. Yeah, I found it interesting that some of the advice that Jennifer gave one, I think she implied please don’t read the haikus to the parole board that that he created. Although it was it was mentioned by Bruce Banner or smart hope that he actually appreciated those kind haikus.

Joshua Lenon  33:03

He appreciated. Yeah, so the parole hearing is going to take a look at do we see evidence of rehabilitation on the part of the convicted individual? And also, are they going to be a harm to themselves and others outside of the prison environment? And what is the likelihood of recidivism? How likely are they to engage in crime again, and all of these will be metrics that’ll be weighed on Emil Blonsky. If he does get a parole hearing, which is one of the things we haven’t established yet, but they did leave with a bit of a cliffhanger at the end, where it looks like there is evidence of Emil Blonsky, having escaped prison at some point. And they included a scene from the Shang chi movie. I know I’m mispronouncing that, where there was Wong the character from the Doctor Strange movies in a kind of fight club s tournament, yes, against the abomination. And he we’re used to seeing that movie, which is a great movie I highly recommend. It also knows that there’s a little bit more going on in the relationship between Wong and Emile Blonsky. And I think my prediction for the upcoming episode is that we’re actually going to see that this is part of the rehabilitation process for Emil Blonsky. It might be his court mandated therapy. That is taking the unusual superhuman approach that only happens at a four color universe.

Greg Lambert  34:36

Yes, yes, I you know, I hadn’t even thought of that. So I’m gonna be interested in watching the next episode to see if that comes to fruition or not. I also want to find out who is Blonsky seven soulmates that he’s found through the pen pal system in prison. I wonder if there’s something there as well.

Joshua Lenon  34:55

I totally agree with you. I think the the fact that it’s a highly specific number seven soul Moment makes me wonder whom they’re setting up for that. And isn’t going to be like some future supervillain club that we don’t know about yet.

Greg Lambert  35:10

Well, definitely, I think a lot coming to us over the next. I think this is a is this a 10? episode series?

Joshua Lenon  35:19

So I think it’s eight. Oh, is it? Okay, but I’m looking forward to however many are left. Yeah,

Greg Lambert  35:24

absolutely. So we’re still looking for some advice from the listeners out there. Maybe you can give us some suggestions on some real life superhuman lawyers that are out there. I mean, it doesn’t necessarily have to be anyone extremely notable that people would know off the top of their heads. But if you’ve had interactions with with someone who you think has gone above and beyond and just let us know. And Joshua, I know you mentioned gamma radiation earlier again. Yeah, I did have one listener, reach out to me and say that gamma radiation is real. There is such a thing as gamma radiation. So that’s noted. But he also did point out that it will not turn you into a giant, seven foot tall Green person.

Joshua Lenon  36:13

what they describe as gamma radiation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, clearly does not conform with the laws of physics in our real world. And so I do think we have to we have to describe it as separate than actual gamma radiation. Exactly,

Greg Lambert  36:29

exactly. Well, I am looking forward to watching episode three. If anyone wants to reach out to us I can be reached at G Lambert or @glambert on Twitter, and Joshua, what about you?

Joshua Lenon  36:44

My Twitter handle is @JoshuaLenon, l e n o n,

Greg Lambert  36:48

and we actually have a podcast, Twitter account to its @SuperHumanPod. So just reach out to us at any of those three locations and we’ll talk to everybody next week.

Joshua Lenon  37:00

Stay super everyone.