If there’s one thing that legal information professionals such as myself love, it’s a nicely curated newsletter of relevant information. There are a couple of new newsletters out there right now that I think the readers of the blog would be interested in subscribing. These are both very well curated newsletters which point out current awareness for legal information, and they are both free. That’s a win-win in my book.
The first one is something that all American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) members have been getting for months now, but is now available to non-members. The KnowItAALL newsletter is maintained by the staff at AALL and identifies current articles of interest to law librarians, and pretty much any others in the legal industry who are wanting to keep up on current events in legal information.
I am a little biased, but I really like this newsletter and find it to be very relevant to my current awareness needs. The other thing that I really like about it is the fact that it identifies articles written by members, or the article features an AALL member. It’s amazing the number of articles out there where law librarians and legal information professionals are involved in one way or another.
The other newsletter is from law professor and overall legal innovation guru, Gabe Teninbaum. Teninbaum has created the Lawtomatic Newsletter which covers article that he finds interesting and thought provoking. The newsletter has four issues as of today and is sent out sporadically, as the right type of content is uncovered. Believe me, if Gabe finds the articles thought provoking, then they are worth a read.
Both the KnowItAALL and Lawtomatic Newsletters are free to subscribe, and contain very relevant information for the legal information professional, and pretty much anyone in the legal industry. I highly recommend signing up for both.