When I graduated from high school, I knew three languages. I was fluent in two and had a fairly good working knowledge of the third. Today, my second and third languages are a bit rusty but I can get by when spoken to or making an inquiry. Yet, I feel compelled to learn another bunch of languages. I fear that if I don’t I won’t be able to talk to my children let alone my future grandchildren, I won’t be able to maintain my job or advance in my career and I most definitely will lose any trace of being as a worldly individual if I can’t “speak” Ruby, Python, SQL, Java or any other of the languages Mashable tells me I need to learn right now. I’m not kidding, I have looked at Women Who Code, Lynda.com and other sites, unsure of where to start and how to deal with the overwhelming sense of coding disability. I feel pressure to be something I am not in response to the changing market. Apparently, even long after high school, peer pressure doesn’t go away, everyone is coding and I need to too!