We love to talk about innovation in the legal market on 3 Geeks. Whether its technology, new business models or even just new ways of thinking, we like to explore and share these ideas on 3 Geeks.
Along that line of thinking, the College of Law Practice Management has now opened the door for the 2012 InnovAction Awards that recognize lawyers and firms actually putting this type of innovation in to action.
The award recognizes:
  • Originality: Is this a novel idea or approach, or a new twist on an existing idea or approach?
  • Disruption: Does this entry change an important element of the legal services process for the better, and marketplace expectations along with it?
  • Value: Is the client and/or legal industry better off because of this entry, in terms of the affordability, ease, relevance or effect of legal services?
  • Effectiveness: Has this entry delivered real, demonstrable or measurable benefits, for the provider, its clients, or the marketplace generally
Lawyers and firms are eligible to win this. All you need to do is enter.
Best of luck to all those who compete in this worthwhile program.