At work I happily drink from the single cup coffee machine in the pantry, but that’s not coffee so much as a speedy caffeine delivery mechanism. On the weekends, when I have time to make coffee, I Make Coffee. I put the kettle on to boil, then I pour a half a cup or so – I never measure – of whole roasted beans into my coffee mill, like the one in the picture to the right. I turn on the radio to listen to the weekend news and begin to grind my coffee by hand. The mill slowly crushes the beans which slide down the sides of the cup and fill the jar below. If I’ve timed it right, I finish grinding the beans just as the water in the kettle comes to a boil. I pour the contents of the mill jar into my gold filter and place the drip filter holder on my favorite coffee mug. I slowly pour the hot, but no longer boiling!, water over the grounds making sure to maintain the appropriate level of water at all times. If I do all of this just right, I end up with a cup of my own personal brand of sludge that fully caffeinates and satisfies.