“This fresh perspective and natural adolescent tendencies allowed this new generation to question previous methodologies.”
“The biggest reason consumerization of the enterprise is happening now is because you asked for it.”
Let the pendulum swing – We have seen a move from Enterprise to Consumerization led by forward thinking companies like Google. We are now starting to feel the impact of this movement. IT organizations that have been pressured into adopting a consumerized approach are struggling with management and security challenges. As the enterprise becomes more consumer friendly, we are seeing an explosion in the amount of data being stored and shared and we are seeing a blending of personal and work personas. This explosion, along with the further blurring of lines between your work and personal personas, is creating new challenges. What is missing is an effective way to manage this new paradigm. This new generation of entrepreneurs are keenly focused on products that are developed for consumers, but have little understanding of or exposure to the enterprise. This creates an opportunity for a fresh approach to consumerization, because in my opinion the enterprise is where the real money is. So, let’s start talking about the enterprization of consumerism.