Mark & Greg compare Elephants

We’re not all about BigLaw pricing, and Vendor bashing here at 3 Geeks. Sometimes we like to let our hair down and have a little fun. This week’s Elephant Post was set up to allow you to have a little fun (at Mark Gediman’s and my expense.) I also had a little fun with my iPad putting the captions on this with a new app I downloaded called Strip Designer.

Thanks to everyone for contributing and having some fun!

So have a chuckle or two on us, then scroll on down and answer next week’s Elephant Post on what ILTA session you think is a “must attend” (even if you, like me, aren’t actually going to go to ILTA… )

Alison P
Louis Abramovitz

Scott Preston

Ayelette Robinson

The PIC Coordinator!

Holly Pinto

Lisa Gianakos

Jeff Ward

John Gilies
Carol Bredemeyer

Greg Lambert

Terry Psarras

Martha Goldman

Margie Maes

Mark Gediman
Someone who has seen Toby’s HS Band Photos!

Next Week’s Elephant Post:

What ILTA Conference Session Is A “MUST ATTEND”? Why??

Everybody who is anybody seems to be attending the ILTA conference in Nashville in a couple of weeks. I’m not going (so I guess that means I’m a nobody), but I really, really wanted to go because there are some great people attending, and some great sessions going on. I know Toby has a post or two about his sessions queued up over the next couple of days, but he better be bringing his A-Game because I believe there are some presentations lined up for ILTA that are going to rock.

Let us know some of the sessions you are looking forward to. Also, don’t be afraid to “pimp your own session” if you are presenting at ILTA. After all, Toby pimps his stuff all the time!!