In the past few of weeks, LegalBizDev announced a couple of noteworthy milestones. These advances are further evidence that Legal Project Management (LPM) continues to evolve and expand in the market
First Certified Legal Project Managers announced.
On May 18th, Jim Hassett announced the the first lawyers achieving certification in his Certified LPM program. Three lawyers from three different firms completed the six month certification. Their firms range in size from eight to 1200 lawyers, so this represents a a healthy range of practitioners. You can see the details of each project the three used in the certification in the blog post.
Good stuff.
Second edition of Legal Project Management Quick Reference Guide released.
On May 25th Jim also announced the release of the second edition of this practical LPM publication. I serve on the advisory board for this publication and had the opportunity to preview it and give some input on the content. This updated edition further refines and advances LPM concepts and is a great resource for the beginner and more experienced LPM types.
LPM continues to evolve and will be a critical asset for law firms and practitioners. More and more we see that lawyers need to adopt LPM to drive a more efficient and effective practice of law. We look forward to hearing about the evolution of LPM from Jim and others in the market.