Back in 2010, the 3 Geeks decided to try out advertising on our blog. Onit, a legal project management provider, was our first advertiser. We were a bit cautious about going down this path. Our initial and on-going intention for the blog was not about getting rich. Mainly we’re having fun exploring ideas in various realms.
So for 2011 we have decided to try something different on the blog. We will be giving select vendors free advertising space on the blog. We will keep the single advertising spot we currently have, but give it free of charge to a select vendor each month. Primarily we want to encourage the growth of smaller, local and regional providers. But we’ll keep an open mind for others.
So if you are interested in taking advantage of the 3 Geeks, send us a note with a request and the reason(s) you think your company worthy of a spot.