This morning I was getting an update from LexisNexis on their new and yet-to-be announced stuff and happened to see something flash by on one of the screens. I said: “Whoa- back up there.” Listed on the ‘already have’ section of the presentation was an iPhone App.
After having heard ad nauseam about how Fastcase was the first to release a legal research iPhone app – I had to ask: When was that release?
Answer: Last November.
Two points:
1 – Apparently Fastcase didn’t have the first one.
2 – LexisNexis could have had all that press and market buzz if they had been more Web 2.0 savvy.
BTW – once I get word back from LexisNexis on what is public, I will be posting on some of their upcoming stuff. There’s some interesting tools in the pipeline.