After years of listening to my friends tell me why they “looooovvveee” their Macs, and how it is “sooooo” much easier to use than a PC, and that I’m an idiot (not a Mac/PC issue apparently), I think I’m finally feeling some empathy for them. Not because I’m going to rush out after 20 years of using a PC, but because I went out traded in my old Windows Mobile 6.0 phone (BlackJack I on AT&T) and bought an Android phone (Samsung Moment on Sprint). All of those times I had to listen to “when are they going to port that to Mac?” or “but my Mac can run that 50 times faster than your PC!” or “Geez, Greg… you’re a frickin’ idiot!!” (again, apparently not a Mac/PC issue), I’m saying the same thing to them about my Android versus their iPhones.
So, in the SmartPhone world, here’s the breakdown of how phones compare to computers:
- iPhone = MS Windows
- Android = Mac
- Blackberries = Mainframes
- Palm OS = Linux
- Windows Mobile = OS/2