I was reading a Fast Company article, Universities Inc. by Anya Kamenetz, and wondered when is the online law school coming? Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE and the man with the golden touch, will be acquiring–for a mere $2M– a 12% piece of the Chancellor University System LLC, a part of the nearly bankrupt business college Myers University, in Cleveland, Ohio. His ambition? To create a reputable online MBA program. I have always wondered why education needs to be maintained in bricks and mortar business model. My other sister, a teacher,and I were just talking about this very issue just last night. Well, you know where I am going with this. Why not law schools? I mean, think about it. The only “benefit” I got from being in a classroom environment ensconced in the ivy walls of my esteemed alma mater was being terrified of being called upon for recitation. And if the school implemented do 3D streaming, it could still happen anyway. Tell me if I am wrong, but the only benefit I see are the additional “amenities”: glee club, football, fraternities. Oh, wait. This is “law school”. It could be a matter of prestige and reputation. But if some big cheese like Jack Welch were to legitimize it, it could spring up a whole new kind of law students. Like we need more lawyers, huh?
Law School Online. Why Not?