This is one of those things that catches everyone by surprise right before the annual AALL conference. W.S. Hein and Fastcase announced this morning that they are forming a partnership to integrate content on each platform and create a more extensive legal research database. This is the sort of thing that everyone expected from Aspen/CCH/Loislaw
Fastcase's Bad Law Bot: "Big Data Applications For Legal Research"
The bad boys of legal research, Ed Walters and Phil Rosenthal of Fastcase, are once again looking at unique ways to look at legal information and create new methods to cull that information. In the latest iteration, they have come up with a way to use an algorithm to identify court cases with negative…
Texas Bar Launches the New Casemaker Platform for Its Members

As LexisOne Goes Dark, Fastcase's PLoL Comes Back To Life
Many of you may have heard the news that LexisOne, Lexis’ minimalist effort at providing a limited selection of free case law, was officially shut down earlier this month. Apparently, Lexis did a two-step program to first place LexisOne behind a “community site” (which required registration), and then two months later shut it down completely.…
Government Information: A Classic "Pick Two" Option
Last week, there were a couple of random tweets that flew between Ed Walters, Don Cruse, and me that weren’t really a big deal in and of itself, but it got me thinking about the way that Government data is compiled, accessible, online, authoritative, and free to the end-user. Ed’s tweet was what caught my…

#Alt2Wexis – Highlights from the HALL Panel of Casemaker, Fastcase and Loislaw
First of all, I need to apologize for the technical difficulties. I attempted to live stream the Houston Area Law Libraries panel on Alternatives to Westlaw and Lexis, but the results were horrible. The audio from one of the speakers was too garbled to understand, and I was too busy moving back and forth from…