After some nine years on the Blogger platform, this week, 3 Geeks and a Law Blog has switched over to the LexBlog platform. We hope that you like the new look and feel of the blog.
There was a lot of work behind the scenes by the LexBlog staff and the members of 3 Geeks. Although I’m sure there may be a few tweaks that we’ll need to make as we discover what did and what didn’t migrate over, I think most of you should still be receiving email updates of new posts, and the RSS feed has been moved over to the new site, so there shouldn’t be any modifications on the readers’ side. Some of the new features makes it a little easier to subscribe by email (on the right-hand side), and you can easily share posts to social media through links at the bottom of the individual posts.
LexBlog does use Disqus for comments, so if you want to comment on something we’ve said, you’ll need to have a Disqus account, or log in via your Twitter, Facebook or Google credentials. This will help us cut down on the amount of SPAM comments that I’ve had to reject for nine years.
Once again, “Hello, and Welcome to the new 3 Geeks and a Law Blog!” Here’s to the next nine years of discussing law libraries, knowledge management, marketing, pricing, in-house lawyer issues, outside counsel issues, and whatever else floats into our collective minds.