Image (cc) Ashish T

Recently I read a report entitled: Legal Process Outsourcing: LPO Provider Landscape. The report was released in September, but just came to my attention recently. I recommend it as required reading for anyone following the market for legal services.

I have previously commented on how LPOs are coming after law firm market share. This report confirms that and even includes a section called, “LPO Providers Will Move Up the Value Chain.”

To demonstrate the impact of LPOs on the legal market, I thought I would share a few statistics from the report. Emphasis added is mine.

– The global LPO market was estimated to be worth $2.4 billion in 2012.

– The estimate of 28% annual growth rate may be more realistic [versus some reports of 60%].

– India-based providers are the leaders in the offshore LPO space, with more than one million lawyers and 128 LPO providers exporting legal services worth $640 million in 2010.

– The US market [for legal services] is highly fragmented, with 50 of the largest firms generating only 15% of the revenue.

– Prices [for legal services in the US] have increased by 75% (compared to 20% for non-legal business services) in the past decade.

– Microsoft reports that Integreon (an LPO) increased contract turnaround by 20% and increased on-time delivery of contracts to 99.5%.

– As a group, the 27 LPO providers [in the survey] employ a total of 10,858 LPO workers.

– The overall turnover rate [for LPOs] is 15% (Turnover being the percentage of employees who leave each year.).

The average team composition is 22% onshore and 78% offshore.

Is the wake-up bell ringing loud enough yet?