It seems that the upgrade to the new eFiling Portal didn’t exactly go as planned this weekend. After being shut down for the upgrade from 6PM on July 27th through 8AM July 30th, the upgrade caused a number of hick-ups to filings when it came online yesterday. The problems with the new system were so great, that it caused to shut down the upgrade and roll back to the previous system. Here’s an email alert from CaseFileXpress that went out this morning to its users:
To our Texas Filers:This is important information regarding filing into Texas courts.Based on the outage yesterday, has determined that a roll-back of the eFiling upgrade is necessary for eFiling business continuity. As requested by the State of Texas, CaseFileXpress has restored our prior system and confirmed system functionality and connectivity to the state’s eFiling portal.Approximately 200 filings were submitted yesterday and are in various stages of the eFiling process. Please do not resubmit your filings unless we notify you otherwise. is working with the courts to ensure all filings submitted are being processed appropriately.If you emailed an Appellate Court filing to us yesterday, please submit the filing through the eFiling system so it may be properly docketed. …We apologize for any inconvenience you experienced yesterday, and we appreciate your patience throughout this transition. We will notify you when we receive a revised schedule with the new deployment date.…
I think this gets filed under the category of “technology is great… when it works.”