Apparently in the world of typography, Comic Sans has become the “Nickelback” of fonts. In other words, you can play with it all you want in the privacy of your own home, but you never, ever, let other people know you actually like it, let alone that you use it in a professional environment. Poor Comic Sans just can’t get any love from anyone these days, yet, just like Nickelback, it seems to always be out there and somehow finds its way on every computer owned by man. Of course, we all say that’s because “our kids like it.”

Typography for Lawyers author, Matthew Butterick calls Comic Sans, the “king of the goofy fonts.” It’s even received the attention of George Takei who tweeted an image of a sign from a Fortune 500 Company that felt Comic Sans was too lowly a font to use.

When the scientists at CERN research center announce their findings of the so-called “God Particle,” most of the world started wondering about how this would change the laws of physics and our understanding of the Universe itself. However, CERN’s use of Comic Sans in its presentation cause a chain reaction of disgust within the Internet, that you would have thought called into question whether a Scientist that used Comic Sans could be believed to be competent enough to really find the Higgs Boson particle at all.

Just how hated is Comic Sans? My search this morning on news articles that mentioned “Higgs Boson” AND “Comic Sans” returned 4800+ potential articles on the topic. 
Taking something as important as finding the building blocks of the universe and using Comic Sans to present your findings to the world is like adding an acid to a base and watching the reaction explode. 
Just to prove my point on this chemistry experiment, I did another search on “Nickelback” AND “Comic Sans” and surprisingly only came back with two results. Apparently, both must be very base and simply cancel each other out…. Regardless of the lack of reaction, I highly suggest that if you have something important to say, don’t include either Nickelback or Comic Sans in your statement.