Ed Walters and I had a little fun on Twitter this morning when Ed tweeted this week’s answer key. Being the rather smart-alecky person I am, I filled in the “questions” just for fun. Kind of like the old Johnny Carson routine of Carnac the Magnificent.
So, I thought we’d have a little fun and post an answer key of our own. We’ll let you pick one or more and give us the corresponding question.
Answer Key:
A1: 2% this year.
A2: 4th Quarter of 2015.
A3: The New Westlaw
A4: Microsoft Office, Flash, and Google+
A5: Apocalyptic Coding
A6: Stockholm School of Law
A7: Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears, and Target
A8: Scheduled to premier at SXSW in 2013
A9: Social Media Guru
A10: 3 Geeks and a Law Blog
Put on your thinking caps… turn up your sarcasm… and give us some questions to go with these answers!