- Sexy Hardware
- Slick Operating System
- Software Distribution Platform
Research in Motion has exactly none of the three. Jeffrey Brandt in today’s PinHawk newsletter pointed to RIM Suffers as Profit Falls 58.7% in yesterday’s NY Times. Shortly after I read this article I saw Joe Scarborough this morning on MSNBC go off on a rant about how terrible the latest Blackberries are. Things are not looking good for RIM. The only thing keeping them afloat is corporate inertia. Companies have invested millions of dollars in Blackberry Enterprise Servers and staff to run them. Companies like the manageability and security of the Blackberry devices and RIM has rested on those laurels for too long. Employees are consumers. Consumers want sexy hardware, slick operating systems, and Angry Birds. (As my good friend Sean Brady likes to say, “it’s not a real operating system if you can’t play Angry Birds.”) Corporate IT can not hold back the tide of iPhones and Android devices any longer. What’s RIM to do?