I’m sitting in tomorrow on Rich Leiter’s Webinar/Podcast, where we’ll talk with Lawyer, Writer, Law Professor, and all a round deep-thinker, Richard Dooling.
Doolings’s latest book, Rapture of the Geeks: When AI Outsmarts IQ, discusses (and makes fun of) a number of scientists, technologists, and lawyers and he seems to be either a very smart person… or a complete lunatic. I’m hoping for a bit of both.
I had to laugh, though, when I was reading a 2008 review of his book in ARS Technica and the “two-page” review ended page one with this quote:
“Which brings us to the Cylons”
What a hook!! I had to go to page two to see how the Cylons came into play, and I decided right then and there that I needed to borrow that for a blog post title!
Within a few minutes, I read this review, had a long talk with my E-Discovery support person, and got the email from a friend about an xkcd.com cartoon and diagrams from This is Indexed (both of which are worthy of a spot in your RSS feed!!)
My brain immediately came up with this Venn diagram: