There are a number of large law firms that have officially sanctioned blogs, and we’ve compiled a list of those that we could find. Out of the National Law Journal 250, we found 136 141 blogs from 53 56 firms. Now, let me explain what we mean by “officially sanctioned blog.” We are stretching this phrase to mean that the blog was mentioned somewhere on the firm’s website. Some of the blogs are featured jewels of the firm, and are proudly displayed. Others, are hidden so deeply, that you might think that the firm tolerates some of their attorneys having personal blogs. We’ll follow up with some additional blog postings to break out the firms that are blog-proud vs. blog-tolerant. [click here to see Blog-Proud v. Blog-Tolerent Firms]NOTE: We looked at each of the firms’ websites to see if they listed any blogs in their publications or other obvious places.  We’d also use the search function to see if we could find any blogs listed by the firm.  If we missed some blogs, please let us know.

NOTE 2:  Kevin O’Keefe just put out an AmLaw 200 blog list that is great.

Akin Gump


Alston Bird
Baker Hostetler
Class Action Blawg
Butzel Long
Florida ADR Law
The Cochran Firm
The Cochran Law Firm Blog
Dechert/Jones Day
Drug and Device Law
Jackson Walker
Jeffer Mangels Butler & Marmaro
Class Action Defense Blog
Hotel Law Blog
Jones Day/Dechert
Drug and Device Law
McGlinchey Stafford
CAFA Law Blog
McKenna Long
RFID Law Blog
Pepper Hamilton
IP Spotlight
Powell Goldstein
Export Law Blog
Proskauer Rose
Privacy Law Blog
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan
LNG Law Blog