Last week I presented for the National Organization of Bar Counsel (NOBC). This is the group that disciplines lawyers across the US. At the invitation of Bob Hawley from the State Bar of California, I have presented a number of times before this group, in what has evolved into a series of sort on going paperless.

At the NOBC meeting last year, we focused more on getting rid of paper. This year we talked about living without paper, specifically, using case and document management systems.

What struck me this year was the change in attitude of the audience. Last year some attendees were downright disagreeable, wanting to argue the futility of giving up paper. This year, it was all about ‘how.’ The questions and dialogue were very focused on getting good technology, while preserving the duties and responsibilities of discipline counsel.

At the top of this dialogue were numerous questions focused on policy. Which is where the conversation should be. One of my mantras is having policy drive technology – and not vice versa. So it was refreshing and encouraging to see such a shift in such a short time.

So in addition to having a great time in NYC, I came away encouraged and re-energized about the possibility for change in the legal profession.